[Rivet] Branched release-2-0Frank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.chMon Jan 27 13:06:01 GMT 2014
>> How do I do this "pulling from release-2.0 into default"? > > Merging is a _local_ operation. It combines two nodes of the revision > tree into a single new one. Typically these two nodes are leaf nodes, > but they don't have to be. > > So pull / push are not directly relevant for the merge. You can _always_ > pull more stuff from anywhere into your repo without affecting your > branch, all it will do is give you more additional leaf nodes ("heads") > on yor revision tree. > > For the merge procedure you should sit on the branch whose label you > want the merge result to have, i.e. in our case "default": > > $ cd rivet > $ hg update default > [ make sure all committed, up to date and clean ] > > $ # maybe hg pull stuff from another URL > > $ hg heads > [ shows at least two heads, one of which you sit on already ] > > $ hg merge release-2.0 # or use numeric revision ID > [fix conflicts, mark each as resolved with 'hg resolve -m'] > > $ hg commit -m'merged from release to trunk' > [ merge commit always has the branch label of where you are sitting, it > does not pick up the "release-2" label ] > > $ hg push somewhere > [optional, nothing to do with the merge as such. Here, you're sharing > your merge outcome with everyone else, just like any other committed > changeset] Right! I should have figured that I obviously need to do some work to merge the two! ;) Thanks for the explanations, David, I think it's clear now. (Though I'll probably end up as the kind of developer who mainly works on release-x-y in the end.) >> But I'm actually coming to think now that it might be more appropriate >> to point the dev-mode bootstrap to release-2-0 > > It's a difficult choice. Depends on what you want to check in: bugfixes > and new analyses always need to go onto the release branch, but new > structural developments should be on default. > >> But I'm actually coming to think now that it might be more appropriate >> to point the dev-mode bootstrap to release-2-0 (and bump this for each >> release), since that's most likely what a "dev-mode user" wants to >> have, i.e. latest analyses. Do you agree? For "real dev-mode guys" >> it'll be trivial after the bootstrap to hg up to the default branch. > > I agree. release-2-0 is a good default to use. Ok, I'm using that in the bootstrap script now. And hit another question (hopefully not one I've asked before): What's the difference between hg clone -r release-2-0 http://rivet.hepforge.org/hg/rivet hg clone -b release-2-0 http://rivet.hepforge.org/hg/rivet ? Cheers, Frank
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