[Rivet] New Rivet bootstrap script

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Tue Jan 28 10:41:26 GMT 2014

Ok, it all sounds good to me. Thanks Frank, please go ahead with all as


On 28/01/14 10:57, Frank Siegert wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> [dropping the Sherpas from this thread via Bcc]
> Thanks for the feedback.
>> Have the mentions of building from trunk / dev mode now been removed
>> from the wiki as David suggested? From a quick scan, I think they're
>> gone, but just checking...
> There is GettingStartedForDevelopers, of course, but that should be
> named clear enough.
>> Copying the setup scripts... I didn't think they made much sense *in*
>> the install tree: maybe copy them to the $PWD of where the command was
>> run? But in truth I don't mind where the bootstrap puts them: wherever
>> most people think they will be useful.
> My reasoning was, that the env scripts are useful to keep around,
> since people will need them later (e.g. to source them from their
> bashrc). And if I would be installing something into an installation
> prefix I would assume that I can safely delete the build directory
> after that.
>> The ManualInstallation page: d'oh, I just updated that a few weeks ago!
>> Oh well. I thought it was useful to have the procedure documented,
> I haven't removed it yet, but thought that it might get out-of-date
> quickly again.
> What's the use case for the ManualInstallation page? Expert users will
> be able to read the bootstrap script (which will be much more
> up-to-date and rigorous than any wiki page), and non-experts should
> simply use the bootstrap script.
>> especially back when the bootstrap script was *very* complex and no-one
>> could be expected to reverse engineer what it was doing. I've not
>> checked to see if your version is simple enough for an average user to
>> read as instructions, or if the dev mode stuff makes it a bit too
>> confusing,
> The dev mode installation is completely separate at the end, so I
> don't think it will be confusing.
> Cheers,
> Frank

Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN

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