[Rivet] CMS_2013_I1272853 (DPS in W+2jets) and CMS_2013_I1273574 (4jets)

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Fri Jan 31 12:13:32 GMT 2014

Thanks Albert,

We are trying hard to produce a 2.1.0 Rivet release right now, and will
add this analysis immediately after that: we're planning an "analysis
updates only" 2.1.1 but there is value in getting 2.1.0 and the current
set of analysis updates public as soon as possible. Thanks again!

Andy & al

PS. Is there a CMS plan to move to Rivet2? It would obviously help us if
analysis plugins could arrive in the Rivet2 form so we can integrate
them more easily. Migration is typically a trivial exercise of renaming
a few types and using fewer #includes, but Rivet 2 also has a lot more
nice programming interface features which can reduce the volume of code
that needs to be written.

On 09/01/14 10:54, Albert Knutsson wrote:
> Dear All,
> please find attached the rivet plugins for
> "Study of double parton scattering using W + 2-jet events in
> proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV"
> CMS_2013_I1272853
> and
> "Measurement of four-jet production in proton-proton collisions at
> sqrt(s)=7 TeV"
> CMS_2013_I1273574
> For the 4-jet plugin I had a problem with overlapping bins in
> yoda-histograms with equidistant binning from 0 to pi.
> The problem occurred after I converted from aida to yoda.
> So no problem in Rivet 1.X. For this plugin I therefore attach
> two .yoda-files. In the first one (CMS_2013_I1273574.yoda),
> I have solved the problem by manually reducing the  xerr- 
> and  xerr+ on the 6th decimal. The second one
> (CMS_2013_I1273574.original.overlapbins.yoda), which is the
> original one, I just attach if you want to reconstruct the problem.
> Cheers,
> Albert on behalf of CMS
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Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN

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