[Rivet] Rivet 2.1.0 -> testing ~today?Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chFri Jan 31 12:32:41 GMT 2014
Hi Riveteers, Wanting to keep up some momentum on Rivet 2.1.0... I would like to apply the (small) JADE_OPAL integrated jet rate fix, but that's the only "blocker" bug remaining on my list for 2.1.0. There are more analyses to convert/add, but we can schedule those for an asap 2.1.1 update: getting a release out now with various bugfixes and most new analyses is clearly valuable and keeps us from being ludicrously unresponsive. Any other things that people *really* want to get into 2.1.0? Frank's -x fix, for example, if it's easy. Any projection bugfixes to be backported to release-2-0, David? One last thing: there is a Jenkins failure since the recent changes. I can't reproduce the make check failures and the reported output doesn't look "normal": a machine problem? We should know. If we can, I'd like to make a beta tarball today for Genser to test in their build system (and we can check the build on lxplus / our personal favourite POS batch systems ;-) ) Andy -- Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN
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