[Rivet] running all rivet analyses using small statistics in GENSER testsAndy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chSat Jul 12 18:44:28 BST 2014
On 12/07/14 16:38, Dmitri Konstantinov wrote: > Dear rivet experts, > > In Genser I would like to implement quite simple test which runs all > rivet analyses using arbitrary small hepmc file... > But it sees that is not that simple. Even with "--ignore-beams" several > analyses throw assertions like: > > // Get an index for the beam energy > isqrts = -1; > if (fuzzyEquals(sqrtS(), 900*GeV)) isqrts = 0; > else if (fuzzyEquals(sqrtS(), 7*TeV)) isqrts = 1; > assert(isqrts >= 0); > > python: ALICE_2012_I1181770.cc:24: virtual void > Rivet::ALICE_2012_I1181770::init(): Assertion `isqrts > 0' failed. > python: ATLAS_2010_S8894728.cc:26: virtual void > Rivet::ATLAS_2010_S8894728::init(): Assertion `isqrts >= 0' failed. > python: ATLAS_2011_S8994773.cc:26: virtual void > Rivet::ATLAS_2011_S8994773::init(): Assertion `isqrts >= 0' failed. > python: ATLAS_2012_I1091481.cc:36: virtual void > Rivet::ATLAS_2012_I1091481::init(): Assertion `isqrts >= 0' failed. > python: CDF_2012_NOTE10874.cc:28: virtual void > Rivet::CDF_2012_NOTE10874::init(): Assertion `isqrts >= 0' failed. > > And several fails with message like: > > Rivet 2.1.2 running on machine lxplus0249.cern.ch (x86_64) > Rivet.Analysis.ALEPH_2001_S4656318: ERROR Can't find reference > histogram d08-x01-y01 > python: > /afs/.cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/Boost/1.53.0_python2.7/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt/include/boost-1_53/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:646: > typename boost::detail::sp_dereference<T>::type > boost::shared_ptr<T>::operator*() const [with T = YODA::Scatter2D; > typename boost::detail::sp_dereference<T>::type = YODA::Scatter2D&]: > Assertion `px != 0' failed. > Aborted > > They are: > > Rivet.Analysis.ALEPH_2001_S4656318: ERROR Can't find reference > histogram d08-x01-y01 > Rivet.Analysis.CMS_2013_I1218372: ERROR Can't find reference histogram > d00-x01-y01 > Rivet.Analysis.JADE_OPAL_2000_S4300807: ERROR Can't find reference > histogram d00-x01-y01 Do these work if you use "proper size" runs? They should do -- we tested every analysis when we migrated to Rivet version 2, although some issues did slip through and are on our list of things to fix. The --ignore-beams flag just disables the beam compatibility check; it doesn't remove code that is dependent on particular beam conditions, and if you send wrong beams into such an analysis then you should expect a crash. Andy -- Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN
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