[Rivet] VetoedFinalStates on jetskristin Lohwasser kristin.lohwasser at cern.chMon Jun 2 16:41:20 BST 2014
Hi Frank, ups, yes, thanks. I did by accident swap the setting for muon/electron W finder, but removed the muon finder. I did not notice it, cause it already brought me close enough to our born level electron selection.... Thanks for spotting this -- and for the note about the photons (I had been wondering about this parameter...) Cheers Kristin On 06/02/2014 05:08 PM, Frank Siegert wrote: > Hi Kristin, > > The WFinder projection has an argument 'trackPhotons' which configures > exactly the behaviour you are looking for. By default > trackPhotons=NOTRACK and as such the clustered photons will not be > included in the WFinder::FinalState particles, i.e. they would not be > vetoed in your code snippet. If you want to veto them, you would add > TRACK as last argument in your WFinder constructor. > Furthermore, in your code you have set dR=0 in the WFinder arguments, > so there will never be any clustered photons. Is that on purpose? > > Note, that the exact form of the WFinder arguments has evolved with > Rivet versions, so my answer above applies to the most recent version > of the constructor, as documented here: > https://rivet.hepforge.org/code/dev/a00367.html#a80792f53b82536aca74bb8dd19908379 > > Cheers, > Frank > > > On 2 June 2014 16:46, kristin Lohwasser <kristin.lohwasser at cern.ch> wrote: >> Dear all, >> >> I would like to check something on the Jets coming with a Vetoed final state >> applied, >> >> essentially I require a WFinder and exclude its decay products from the >> jets. >> --> Question: Does this contain the bremsstrahlungs photons coming from the >> electrons? >> --> Is there any (elegant) way to exclude them as well? >> >> Code is below the signature. >> >> Thanks for any hints & Best >> Kristin >> >> WFinder wfinder_born_el(fs, -2.5, 2.5, 20*GeV, PID::ELECTRON, 0*GeV, >> 8000*GeV, 15*GeV, 0., WFinder::CLUSTERNODECAY ); >> addProjection(wfinder_born_el, "WFinder_born_el"); >> >> // Input for the jets: no neutrinos, no muons, and no electron which >> passed the electron cuts >> VetoedFinalState veto; >> veto.addVetoOnThisFinalState(wfinder_born_el); >> veto.addVetoPairId(PID::MUON); >> veto.addVetoPairId(PID::ANTIMUON); >> veto.vetoNeutrinos(); >> FastJets jets(veto, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4); >> addProjection(jets, "jets"); >> >> -- >> **************************************************** >> Dr. Kristin Lohwasser >> >> DESY >> Zeuthen >> Raum: 3L-022 >> Telefon +49 33762 7-7647 >> Platanenallee 6 >> D-15738 Zeuthen >> Deutschland >> >> Kristin.Lohwasser at cern.ch >> **************************************************** >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Rivet mailing list >> Rivet at projects.hepforge.org >> https://www.hepforge.org/lists/listinfo/rivet -- **************************************************** Dr. Kristin Lohwasser DESY Zeuthen Raum: 3L-022 Telefon +49 33762 7-7647 Platanenallee 6 D-15738 Zeuthen Deutschland Kristin.Lohwasser at cern.ch ****************************************************
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