[Rivet] Additional data removed from rivetAndy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chThu Jun 5 10:22:40 BST 2014
On 05/06/14 10:09, David Grellscheid wrote: > Hi Andy, > >> The rest of the data in the HepData tables was unusably mangled because >> (again!) the bin widths hadn't been accounted for when the data was >> entered. I assumed that no-one had been using it until now, since it was >> so obviously wrong! > > I'm not sure which dataset you mean. Are you saying that the data used > to be in Hepdata but was removed for inconsistencies? We got a report from Jackie Brossamer and Marge Shapiro that this analysis seemed to have mangled ref data. Looking into it, the HepData data table was obviously corrupted, so I got Mike to fix it and re-dumped the data file (getting some fixes into the HepData YODA formatter at the same time.) >>> I hope we haven't lost data in this manner elsewhere. We also need a >>> flag to indicate when the YODA file is not taken 1-to-1 from Hepdata and >>> needs to be preserved. >> >> Yes. Or ideally get the missing data into HepData: isn't that the >> preferred way? I feel a bit uncomfortable about the idea that data was >> sufficiently private that it can't go in HepData, yet somehow it's ok >> for it to be in public Rivet releases... > > In this particular case Peter suspects ALEPH_2001_S4656318 uses a > dataset that was used for a Herwig++ internal analysis before we > converted those to use Rivet. The source of the original analysis is > Stefan Gieseke, I'll ask him. Ok, thanks. >> I would far prefer that we point ourselves toward taking everything >> exactly as it is in HepData, except (?) in the case that the paper >> doesn't have a HepData record at all. > > I agree with this as the general rule. It also looks like > ALEPH_2001_S4656318 is the only exception to that rule we have so far, > so maybe we can manage that one by hand for now. I have a feeling there were a couple of others which were manually modified but I have no record of which ones :-/ Andy -- Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN
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