[Rivet] rivet 2 on Mac OSX

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Tue Jun 10 16:15:56 BST 2014

On 10/06/14 17:09, David Grellscheid wrote:
>> Preferences, developers?
> Never change a numbered release :-). Minor stuff like this is exactly
> what the third digit is for.

I knew you'd say that!

I'm not sure... this is *such* a tiny fix and so irrelevant for most
people... and "Rivet watchers" may feel that they need to upgrade when
actually they don't, or wonder why Genser hasn't installed both 2.1.2
and 2.1.3 (they would be identical installations).

There's a case here to change the way we use version numbers, but I
would prefer to use a postN or 4th digit for such teeny things...


Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN

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