[Rivet] rivet analysis path (broken --pwd option?)

David Bjergaard david.b at phy.duke.edu
Fri Jun 13 17:47:09 BST 2014


I'm completely stymied by this one.  Hopefully some fresh/expert eyes
can shed some light on the situation.  Here's my installation
> export LOCAL_PREFIX=$HOME/rivet/local
> mkdir -p $LOCAL_PREFIX
> cd rivet
> wget http://rivet.hepforge.org/hg/bootstrap/raw-file/2.1.2/rivet-bootstrap
> chmod +x rivet-bootstrap
> INSTALL_PREFIX=$LOCAL_PREFIX ./rivet-bootstrap
> alias setupRivet='source ~/$LOCAL_PREFIX/rivetenv.sh; export PYTHIA8DATA=$(pythia8-config --datadir)/xmldoc'
> mkdir -p $HOME/rivet/Analysis
> cd $HOME/rivet/Analysis
> # checkout analysis code from github
> cd rivet-charmonium/
> setupRivet 
> make; make install
The only thing that isn't standard rivet protocol is that I'm using a
Makefile to build and install an external library
(libBOOSTFastJets.so). A week ago this procedure worked great.  Now when
I do:
> rivet --pwd --analysis=MC_GENSTUDY_CHARMONIUM hepmc.fifo
I get:
> 'MC_GENSTUDY_CHARMONIUM' is not a known Rivet analysis! Do you need to set RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH or use the --pwd switch?

> There are 236 currently available analyses:
(I've snipped the list of analyses, needless to say
MC_GENSTUDY_CHARMONIUM isn't in the list.) 

My first instinct was that there was a difference in python versions.
I've successfully used this prescription on my laptop with python 2.7.6,
the interactive node with python 2.7.7 built from source.  This machine
is running 2.6.6, but I've since upgraded to 2.7.7 and still have the
issue. I'm re-running the whole procedure on my laptop to make sure that
this is a rivet issue and not some wonky version problem with python,
but I'm not hopeful.  This procedure worked Monday, why is it broke now?

Was there a silent change to rivet-buildplugin that makes it more
sophisticated than calling the right g++ incantation?  



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