[Rivet] Your LifeInsurance-Payment: Policy # 3991591Cynthia Cynthia at yourmostrecentjunepolicy.clubMon Jun 16 20:02:54 BST 2014
============================================. RE: $14 Life-Insurance Updated-Rates. ============================================. Policy # 3991591. ============================================. Message ID # 7526676. ============================================. Greetings rivet at projects.hepforge.org, The reason that we are contacting you today is to make you aware that you are eligible for a $250k lifeinsurance-policy for under $14/mo. That means your loved-ones will receive $250k. Visit here to lock in this new rate right away: http://link.yourmostrecentjunepolicy.club Best Regards, Cynthia LifeRate-Consultant =End future admessages now by going below:. http://quit.yourmostrecentjunepolicy.club Post0ffice Box No. 8O3338 Chicag0, IL 6O680-3338 3991591 7526676 2d17eb25196a831b4b78f628f55b9966
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