[Rivet] YODA Attribute error

David Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk
Fri Jun 27 07:09:53 BST 2014

Hi Holger, 

I get this too. There's no coords variable defined in the pyx files, but it's used there as if it was.


On 27 June 2014 01:35:24 BST, Holger Schulz <iamholger at googlemail.com> wrote:
>after upgrading from YODA 1.0.6 to trunk my python
>scripts using yoda to make tables do not work anymore.
>The histograms are created by calling
>    yoda.readAIDA(fname)
>Whenever I try to touch the .points, I get the following error,
>which leaves me clueless.
>   AttributeError: 'yoda.core.Point2D' object has no attribute 'coords'
>Could someone please try to reproduce this error?
>Challenge him you must,
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