[Rivet] help for lxplus

Hannes Jung hannes.jung at cern.ch
Sun Jun 29 20:08:13 BST 2014

Dear Rivet experts

again the endless story....

I want to install rivet 1.9 on lxplus standalone,
got the install script and run it.
It installed nicely but then:

All done. Now set some variables in your shell by sourcing /afs/cern.ch/user/j/jung/work/public/rivet-new/local/rivetenv<http://cern.ch/user/j/jung/work/public/rivet-new/local/rivetenv>.(c)sh
[jung at lxplus0244]~/work/public/rivet-new/local% source rivetenv.sh
[jung at lxplus0244]~/work/public/rivet-new/local% rivet --list-analyses
rivet requires the 'rivet' Python module but it cannot be loaded:
/usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /afs/cern.ch/user/j/jung/work/public/rivet-new/local/lib/libRivet.so.11<http://cern.ch/user/j/jung/work/public/rivet-new/local/lib/libRivet.so.11>)
Try re-running with the -v switch to enable more debugging output
[jung at lxplus0244]~/work/public/rivet-new/local%

What is wrong there ?

i thought, at least on lxplus with the standard install script it should work without problems....

Hmm.... it is really an endless story,..... can someone please help ?


Hannes Jung
Email: Hannes.Jung at desy.de<mailto:Hannes.Jung at desy.de>
mobile :+49 40 8998 93741
Tel: +49 (0) 40 8998 3741
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DESY, CMS 01B/02.213
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