[Rivet] UNVALIDATED Rivet analysis attack! + ATLAS 2PC & D0 charge asymm analyses

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Tue May 13 11:00:47 BST 2014

Hi all,

As Marek's email over the weekend highlighted, there are a large number
of analyses in Rivet which are marked as UNVALIDATED, but which are at
least being used by Sherpa and are very probably robust enough to be
marked as VALIDATED now.

I think a lot of these are only marked that way because Frank S was
commendably careful when he wrote them, or because some testing was
required. Well, I think a lot of de facto testing has now happened for
some of them. Several are awaiting an old D0 jet finder which Lars was
apparently working on but which never materialised... but is JETCLU or
D0ILC a sufficiently good approximation?

So can we make a concerted effort to convert many of these to VALIDATED
status for Rivet releases 2.1.2 and 2.2.0? I have gone through the
list of analysis tickets in our tracker at
https://rivet.hepforge.org/trac/report/3 and explicitly marked the
titles of the UNVALIDATED ones which just need some testing. Please
assign to yourselves and let's cut down the long list of UNVALIDATED
analyses in the next couple of releases...


PS. I might as well raise again the need for the ATLAS 2-particle
correlations analysis conversion from the AIDA branch... James?!?

PPS. Also worth raising: the D0 Run 2 charge asymmetry analysis
(D0_2008_S7837160) did not show any asymmetry in testing with the
Herwig++ reference HepMC files when I was validating the Rivet 2.0.0
pre-release. I've mentioned this a couple of times but no response. Is
it expected that the generators should get this right (I hope so)? and
hence is there an analysis bug or a H++ bug? I saw nothing obviously
wrong in the analysis but it'd be good if someone with a clue could take
a look!

Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN

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