[Rivet] A new LHCb plugin for RIVET

Alex Grecu Alex.Grecu at cern.ch
Thu Oct 2 00:51:17 BST 2014

Dear developers,

I attach the source code of one of the plugins we've been developing 
lately at LHCb. This one is for the multiplicity measurement published 
this year. I attach 2 zip files corresponding to the plugin code which 
was originally written for 1.9.0 and a version I adjusted and tested for 
Rivet 2.x series (over a period of a few days of painfully using LHCb 
packages under development).
Unfortunately, the release of the rest of the plugins (3-4 currently 
being in various stages of development to my knowledge) is a little 
delayed because it seems you're not supporting Rivet 1.x any more and in 
LHCb we just adopted Rivet 1.9 and we're slowly moving toward Rivet 2.x 
(but we're not there yet). So most of the plugins are developed mainly 
using Rivet 1.9.0 and the AIDA histogram system. To speed up release 
would it be possible for you to accept the plugins prepared and tested 
using Rivet 1.9.0? I understand it may be too much to ask the 
involvement of such resources for LHCb so could you please compile and 
send me a list of LHCb measurements that you would like to have in Rivet 
a.s.a.p. so that I can prioritize the conversion of the existing code or 
the development of new plugins in near future?

Best regards,

*LHCb* Experiment
/Horia Hulubei/ National R&D Institute for Physics and Nuclear 
Engineering (IFIN-HH)

Office: 11/1-014
Phone: +41 22 76 79058
Postbox: F26500

Bucharest-Magurele, 408 Atomistilor, DFT bld, office 220 (2nd floor),
Phone: +4(0) 21 404 62 48; ext. 3404

Skype name: /alex.t.grecu/
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