[Rivet] Rivet 2.2.0 release tonight!Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chTue Sep 30 19:55:39 BST 2014
The release is done now, other than the announcement email. The bootstrap scripts are updated, on a new named branch and there is a new release-2-2-x branch in the Rivet public repo. Use the latter for rivet dev work that will go into 2.2.1 etc. (i.e. bugfixes and new analyses), use the default branch for e.g. multi-weight/NLO "big system" developments. YODA is also updated with the last-minute efficiency() sanity checking fix that James R pointed out. And the whole thing builds fine on lxplus using the latest bootstraps. Phew! I'll send the email when I get back from my conference evening shindig. Thanks to everyone who contributed :-) Andy On 30/09/14 15:05, Andy Buckley wrote: > Hi everyone, > > After quite some development, user guinea-pig testing at BOOST and the > MCnet school, and some great dev & validation work from Chris and > David... we are finally ready to release Rivet 2.2.0 (and a > corresponding YODA update). > > I'm going to do the tagging, tarring, announcing etc. later today if > there's no opposition... so if you want to urgently block the release > then speak now! > > Best wishes, > Andy > -- Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN
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