[Rivet] problem with ATLAS_2014_I1306294

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Thu Apr 9 16:33:48 BST 2015


The bootstrap script for 2.2.1 is at

This looks to me like it's fetching Rivet 2.2.1 (and YODA 1.3.1). Is
this what you used? (Just in case I did something wrong in the bootstrap
branching or docs...)


On 09/04/15 16:12, Hannes Jung wrote:
> ahhh, i just got the bootstrap script, it was under 2.2.1 but 
> actually is the 2.2.0 one.... so this is the problem
> I'll try with 2.2.1 then....
> Cheers
> Hannes
>> On 09.04.2015, at 17:08, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch> wrote:
>> Hi Hannes,
>> It's in Rivet 2.2.1: here's the analysis file entry
>> https://rivet.hepforge.org/analyses#ATLAS_2014_I1306294
>> and the files are in the Rivet 2.2.1 tarball:
>> $ tar tf Rivet-2.2.1.tar.gz | grep ATLAS_2014_I1306294
>> Rivet-2.2.1/data/plotinfo/ATLAS_2014_I1306294.plot
>> Rivet-2.2.1/data/plotinfo/ATLAS_2014_I1306294_MU.plot
>> Rivet-2.2.1/data/plotinfo/ATLAS_2014_I1306294_EL.plot
>> Rivet-2.2.1/data/anainfo/ATLAS_2014_I1306294.info
>> Rivet-2.2.1/data/anainfo/ATLAS_2014_I1306294_EL.info
>> Rivet-2.2.1/data/anainfo/ATLAS_2014_I1306294_MU.info
>> Rivet-2.2.1/data/refdata/ATLAS_2014_I1306294.yoda
>> Rivet-2.2.1/data/refdata/ATLAS_2014_I1306294_EL.yoda
>> Rivet-2.2.1/data/refdata/ATLAS_2014_I1306294_MU.yoda
>> Rivet-2.2.1/src/Analyses/ATLAS_2014_I1306294.cc
>> Here's the plugin code, as it was modified for Rivet 2.2.1:
>> https://rivet.hepforge.org/trac/browser/src/Analyses/ATLAS_2014_I1306294.cc
>> Andy
>> On 09/04/15 15:58, Hannes Jung wrote:
>>> Hi Andy
>>> I did only find the rivet1 tar file, in rivet 2.2 ATLAS_2014_I1306294 is not
>>> included yet....
>>> yes,... I wanted really to switch to 2.x.... 
>>> Is there somewhere the plugin for 2.x of ATLAS_2014_I1306294 ?
>>> Thanks a lot
>>> Cheers
>>> hannes
>>>> On 09.04.2015, at 16:54, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch> wrote:
>>>> This looks like a problem with the analysis code rather than the Rivet
>>>> version -- if you could compile the code with your version of
>>>> rivet-buildplugin then it should be usable... or at least as usable as
>>>> possible.
>>>> I see that in the version of this analysis that Holger put into Rivet 2,
>>>> the line referring to a "remaining final state" has been replaced with
>>>> something else... I guess that this was needed to make the code supplied
>>>> by ATLAS actually work, but Holger knows better what went on there. As
>>>> it says in the config area README file, we can't vouch for the
>>>> correctness of any of those as-is contributed codes -- they often need
>>>> some degree of fixing when we merge them into the official Rivet
>>>> releases. If you want this one to work, probably you need to do some
>>>> debugging... sorry!
>>>> Despite the Rivet version probably not being the cause of this problem,
>>>> 1.8.3 is *very* old. It's not even the final version of Rivet 1, let
>>>> alone Rivet 2 which has now been the production version for about 2
>>>> years! So please upgrade to 2.2.1... and then you'll even have this
>>>> analysis built-in, in bugfixed and validated form.
>>>> Andy
>>>> On 09/04/15 15:23, Hannes Jung wrote:
>>>>> Hi Holger
>>>>> it was still 1.8.3.
>>>>> Is this too old ?
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> hannes
>>>>>> On 09.04.2015, at 16:00, Holger Schulz <holger.schulz at durham.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>>>> On 09/04/15 14:42, Hannes Jung wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Hannes,
>>>>>> which version of Rivet are you using?
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Holger
>>>>>>> Dear Rivet experts
>>>>>>> I downloaded ATLAS_2014_I1306294_rivet1.tar
>>>>>>> from the download page and got the following error when running it:
>>>>>>> Rivet.Analysis.Handler: WARN  Analysis 'ATLAS_2014_I1306294' is unvalidated: be careful, it may be broken!
>>>>>>> Error in ATLAS_2014_I1306294::init method: No projection 'RFS' found for parent 0x11aafa0
>>>>>>> Any idea, what could go wrong there ?
>>>>>>> Thanks a lot
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> Hannes
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>>>>>>> Hannes Jung
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>>>>> Hannes Jung 
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>>>> -- 
>>>> Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
>>>> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
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>>> Hannes Jung 
>>> Email: Hannes.Jung at desy.de 
>>> mobile :+49 40 8998 93741
>>> http://www.desy.de/~jung                                  
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>>> Fax: +49 (0) 40 8994 3741
>>> DESY, CMS 01B/02.213
>>> Notkestr.85, 22603 Hamburg, FRG   
>>> ***********************************************************************
>> -- 
>> Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
>> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
> ***********************************************************************
> Hannes Jung 
> Email: Hannes.Jung at desy.de 
> mobile :+49 40 8998 93741
> http://www.desy.de/~jung                                  
> Tel: +49 (0) 40 8998 3741         
> Fax: +49 (0) 40 8994 3741
> DESY, CMS 01B/02.213
> Notkestr.85, 22603 Hamburg, FRG   
> ***********************************************************************

Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

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