[Rivet] OPEN ENROLLMENT: Obama Forgiveness and Discharge ProgramObamaStudentForgiveness obamaforgiveness at selecthelp.bizTue Apr 21 18:27:54 BST 2015
Dear Student or (former) Student, Obama Student Forgiveness Public Service Forgiveness (PSLF) Program *Over 5 million Students Forgiven Find out what you qualify for in a 5 minute phone call Call Now! (888) 451 8776 ***************************** Any balance on your student is eligible for complete forgiveness. ***************************** ( Former Students and Current Students ) What is the Public Service Forgiveness (PSLF) Program? The PSLF Program is intended to encourage individuals to enter and continue to work full-time (888) 451 8776 6am - 9pm est 7 days a week The purpose of the Public Service Forgiveness Program is to encourage individuals to enter and continue working in public service jobs. You may qualify if you work full-time.
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