[Rivet] ATLAS_2011_S9035664 fixes and .plot file

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Thu Aug 20 17:06:51 BST 2015

On 20/08/15 15:26, Frank Siegert wrote:
> Hi all,
> Shouldn't this have gone into the release-2-3-x branch such that it's
> available for the next release?
> Sorry if I'm just at odds with hg again or missing anything else...

I thought our agreement on the release-x-y branches is that they should 
receive new analyses, fixes to analyses, and bugfixes which don't change 
the interface.

So yes, I would have put these fixes in there.

While the new ZFinder feature from Chris G that you just added to the 
release-2-3 branch should be on default IMHO -- it's an interface change 
(albeit an addition) which we don't *necessarily* want to introduce in a 
3rd-digit release. That's the reason that I put the new optional Cut arg 
to Particle::bTags() etc. on to the default branch rather that 
release-2-3, for example.

> I think there have been quite a few commits recently on the default
> branch, which should end up in 2.3.1.  I remember that it's not simple
> to cherry-pick them into the release-2-3-x branch (another major
> disadvantage of hg btw ;-))... but is there any other way to achieve
> this?

We *can* decide to cherry-pick new features from default on to release 
branches, I think: see hg graft  https://selenic.com/hg/help/graft

As long as we can do that, I prefer this "opt-in" approach with anything 
that's more like "development" than "fixes" or "new ana integration" 
happening on the default branch in the first instance. If we really like 
it and agree that it's not disruptive, we can explicitly bring it 
forward on to one of the regular micro releases. It's harder to take a 
feature out of the release branch if it's inappropriate, than to graft 
it in from the default branch, so err on the side of caution and work on 
default unless you *know* that this patch should be in the next micro 

Having said that, I think we are shaping up for the next release to be 
2.4.0 anyway, since so much useful development has happened in the last 
~months since the 2.3.0 release.


> On 19 August 2015 at 19:10, Chris Pollard <cpollard at cern.ch> wrote:
>> Thanks. Fixed and pushed.
>> On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 12:12 PM, David Bjergaard <david.bjergaard at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've attached a patch that:
>>> 1. Adds the missing .plot file for title and axes labels using same style
>>> as the
>>>     original paper
>>> 2. Fixes an apparent bug in the analysis where the rapidity (rather than
>>> its
>>>     absolute value) was used to determine which histogram should be filled
>>> I would also point out that this would have made a great pull request on
>>> github :)
>>>      Dave
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Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

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