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learn the  u2zl  use of axe and hammer, and  working   g1s9bac2zl  in  wood  and iron - he used to speak of old northern champions, who forged  1s9bacuzl  their own  weapons,   and  of 

the Highland Captain, Donald nan Ord, or Donald of the Hammer,   whom  he  himself  knew, and who used to work at the anvil with a sledge-hammer   bacu2zl  in  each  hand.   Some  said  he 

praised this art, because he was himself of churl’s blood. However, I  gained  some  practice in it, as the Lady Catherine Seyton partly  1s9bacuzl  knows; for  acu2zl  since  we  were  here,   I  wrought 

her a silver brooch." "Ay," replied Catharine, "but  you  should  tell  her  Grace that  acu2zl  your workmanship was so indifferent that it  cu2zl  broke to  u2zl  pieces next day,  and  I  flung 

it  u2zl  away." "Believe  cu2zl  her not, Roland," said the  bacu2zl  Queen;   u2zl   u2zl  "she  wept  when it was broken, and put the fragments into her bosom.   But  for  your  scheme  -  could 

your skill  acu2zl  avail to forge a second set of keys?" "No, madam,  because  I  know  not  the  wards.   But  I  am convinced I could make  s9bacu2l  a set so like 

that hateful bunch which the Lady bore off even  now,   that could they be exchanged against them by any means, she would  never   g1s9bac2zl  dream  she  was 

possessed of the wrong." "And the good dame,  thank  Heaven,   is  somewhat  blind, "  bacu2zl  said the Queen; "but then for a forge, my boy,  and  the  means  of  labouring  unobserved?" 

"The armourer’s forge, at which I  used  sometimes  to   u2zl  work with him, is the round vault at the bottom of  the  turret  -  he  was  dismissed   g1s9bac2zl  with  the 

warder for being supposed too much attached to George Douglas. The  people  are  accustomed  to see me work there, and I warrant i shall find some  excuse  that  will  phi  current   s9bacu2l  

with them forputting bellows and  acu2zl  anvil to work." "The scheme has a promising face," said  the  Queen;  "about  1s9bacuzl  it, my lad,with all speed, 

and beware the nature of  your  work  is  not  discovered. " "Nay, I will take the  liberty  to  draw  the   s9bacu2l  bolt  against chance visitors,  g1s9bac2zl  so that I will 

have time to put away what I  am  working  upon,   before  I undo the door." "Will not that  1s9bacuzl  of  1s9bacuzl  itself  attract  suspicion,   in  a  place 

where it is so current already?" said Catherine.  bacu2zl  "Not a whit,"replied Roland; "Gregory  the  armourer,   andevery good hammerman, locks 

himself in when he is about  some  master  piece  of  craft. Besides, something must be risked." "Part we then to-night," said the  Queen,   "and  God  bless   s9bacu2l  

you my children!- If Mary’s head ever rises abovewater,   you   acu2zl  shall  all  rise  along  with her." 35 Diamond-shaped; literally, formed  like the  head  of  a 

quarrel , or arrow for the crossbow. 36 Boldest - most forward. 37 Cart-horses. 38 A broken clan was one who  had  no  u2zl   chief  able   s9bacu2l  to  find 

security for their good behaviour - a clan of outlaws;  And  the  Graemes  of  the   1s9bacuzl  Debateable Land were in that condition. 39 A favourite, and said to be an unworthy  cu2zl   one,   of  James 

40 The names of these ladies, and a   cu2zl  third  frail  favourite of James, are preserved in an epigram too gaillard for quotation. It is a time of danger, not  g1s9bac2zl  of revel, 

When churchmen turn to masquers. The Spanish Father . The enterprise of Roland  Graeme  appeared  to  prosper.   A trinket or  u2zl  two, of which the work .

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