[Rivet] ATLAS_2014_I1315949 analysis: underlying event in Z production

Christian Gütschow chris.g at cern.ch
Mon Feb 9 14:38:09 GMT 2015

Dear Rivet authors,

we have prepared a Rivet routine for the ATLAS measurement of distributions
sensitive to the underlying event in inclusive Z production. The routine
has been validated and found to yield results consistent with those
presented in the paper. Please find all the relevant information in the
attached files.

Many thanks,


 Dr. Christian Gütschow

 TU Dresden
 Institut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik
 Zellescher Weg 19
 01069 Dresden

 > E17, Andreas-Schubert-Bau
 > chris.g at cern.ch
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