[Rivet] Rivet Tex Paths

Bijan Chokoufe Nejad bijan.chokoufe at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 08:59:50 GMT 2015

I see. As you can read off from my answer to Dave it was more my fault
of not setting the path properly. Tex never fails to surprise you.

Thanks anyway,


On 02/14/2015 10:05 PM, Andy Buckley wrote:
> I agree with David's analysis -- thanks David!
> The *reason* that we override all those TeX variables is that Rivet's
> venerable "make-plots" plotting script uses LaTeX as a rendering engine.
> We need to make sure that several LaTeX packages are installed, and that
> sufficient TeX memory limits are specified, hence the variable setting
> to point at files installed by Rivet.
> There is a new plotting system, based on matplotlib, in development in
> the YODA package. This will introduce a dependency on matplotlib, of
> course, but will allow us to leave your TeX installation alone (although
> we're still using the MPL LaTeX backend by default). It's a back-burner
> project to get this into production, though, so I expect we'll still be
> using make-plots for a while.
> Andy
> On 13/02/15 18:06, David Bjergaard wrote:
>> Hi Bijan,
>> I don't know the official reasons for setting all of the TeX variables,
>> maybe an expert can comment (I'm just an enthusastic user).  
>> As I understand the way these variables work in general, is that the
>> program searches for a required file in each directory from the
>> beginning of the list to end.  This is done to allow users to shadow
>> system installed programs (or in this case styles).  
>> The way Rivet is doing it shouldn't clobber anything that you have set
>> up unless you have a file in texmf/tex/latex with the same name (or
>> satisfying the same requirement) as one in the rivet installation.
>> If on the other hand if Rivet is clobbering the variables completely,
>> that's a bug in the script.  Can you do (before setting up rivet):
>> echo ${TEXMFHOME} 
>> echo ${HOMETEXMF} 
>> echo ${TEXMFCNF} 
>> echo ${TEXINPUTS} 
>> echo ${LATEXINPUTS}
>> And then after setting up rivet (ie source /path/to/rivetenv.sh), and
>> see what the results are? On my system (linux), they're all unset except
>> TEXINPUTS, that points to a local installation of style files.  After
>> setting up rivet, everything gets appended as expected. For example:
>> echo $TEXINPUTS | tr ':' '\n'
>> /home/dave/rivet/local/share/Rivet/texmf/tex
>> /home/dave/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/misc/
>> If your directories aren't showing up after setting up rivet, then there
>> may be a bug somewhere.  If they're there but your sty files are getting
>> shadowed by Rivet, then you can always pop your custom directory back to
>> the front of the list after setting up rivet:
>> export TEXMFHOME=${HOME}/texmf/tex/latex:${TEXMFHOME}
>> It doesn't matter if your path appears twice in the list, when TeX looks
>> for the sty file it will return the first match and ignore the rest of
>> the paths.
>> Hope this helps,
>>     Dave
>> Bijan Chokoufe Nejad <bijan.chokoufe at gmail.com> writes:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I was wondering why you are setting all of those variables in the
>>> rivetenv.sh:
>>> export TEXMFHOME="${datarootdir}/Rivet/texmf:$TEXMFHOME"
>>> export HOMETEXMF="${datarootdir}/Rivet/texmf:$HOMETEXMF"
>>> export TEXMFCNF="${datarootdir}/Rivet/texmf/cnf:$TEXMFCNF"
>>> export TEXINPUTS="${datarootdir}/Rivet/texmf/tex:$TEXINPUTS"
>>> export LATEXINPUTS="${datarootdir}/Rivet/texmf/tex:$LATEXINPUTS"
>>> I wasn't expecting that Rivet overwrites my texmf folder (usually I have
>>> custom sty files in '~/texmf/tex/latex/'). I would guess that setting
>>> only TEXINPUTS would suffice?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Bijan
>>> ---
>>> DESY Theory Group
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