[Rivet] Yodascale

Holger Schulz hschulz at physik.hu-berlin.de
Thu Feb 26 09:38:53 GMT 2015

On 25/02/15 12:42, Gavin Hesketh wrote:
> Hi,
> just a small patch for the yodascale script, to avoid crashes when 
> there are empty histos (which I found when there are electron and muon 
> channel plots in an analysis, but only one channel is filled):
> L117 :
>         if norm > 0:
>             sf = refnorm / norm
>         else:
>             sf = 0
> or something similar.
> cheers,
> Gavin
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Hi Gavin,

which version of yoda have you been looking at?

In trunk/HEAD I can't seem to find the place to implement the code you 


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