[Rivet] VH bb River analysis

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Mon Jan 26 12:50:24 GMT 2015

On 26/01/15 12:36, Paul Thompson wrote:
> Hi Andy, Ben
> Was discussing with the Sherpa developers and they wanted to do some
> studies on VH (H->bb) signal generation. They always find it hard to
> interpret our cuts/jet vetoes etc. and so were keen on a Rivet routine.
> Carlo noticed this one:
>  https://rivet.hepforge.org/trac/browser/src/Analyses/MC_VH2BB.cc
>  https://rivet.hepforge.org/analyses#MC_VH2BB But as best I can work out
> it doesn't have the selection used in the publication. Do you happen to
> have an updated one to pass on, or are you able to update the above
> rountine? :)

Hi Paul,

It would be great to have the real analysis in Rivet, since there are so
many modelling issues involved. Hopefully that analysis is a useful
starting point, but it is only intended to be an MC-only "toy"
implementation. A full implementation with the correct cuts, and ideally
with the reference data for distributions would need to come from the
group. We (Rivet) can help with implementation issues, of course, but
data extraction and detailed implementation really needs involvement
from people who were intimately involved.


Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN

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