[Rivet] a few issues/problems with Rivet and its tools

roman lysak lysak at fzu.cz
Mon Jan 26 21:42:10 GMT 2015

> Yes, 2D histograms are not fully implemented at present. The next
> version of YODA should add overflows for 2D histos and fix 2D I/O, at
> which point we can start supporting them properly. I'll make sure that
> we provide an Analysis::scale() function for them at the same time.
Do you have time estimate for this? If it's more than 1-2 months, we 
will probably have to find another solution.

> If just calling SetBinContent + SetBinError would be sufficient (and
> would work), please let me know... it's an easy change to make!
my understanding is that this would not work.
However, according 
https://root.cern.ch/root/html/TProfile.html#TProfile:Fill@4 and 
references  therein  it seems to me that this is minimally needed to set 
for each bin:

- for sum(y*y):  TProfile::GetSumw2() //right now you set here sum(w*w), 
if I understand correctly
- for sum(y):  TProfile::GetArray()
- for sum(w):     TProfile::SetBinEntries(bin, w)

Clearly, the names of accessors/methods are confusing...

Cheers and thanks,

> Cheers,
> Andy

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