[Rivet] Toxic Bug Makes You Fat

Fat Crusher System fatcrushersystem at befitevrr.info
Tue Jul 21 10:19:32 BST 2015

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 Toxic Parasite Prevents You From Losing Weight 

ntentional weight loss  ktmay result from loss o 25nk  body fats, loss of body flu
ids, muscle atrophy, or even a combination of theset is general 425nk ly regarded as a m
edical problem when nk a least 10% of a person's body weight has been lost in six mon
t or 5% in the last montAnother criterion used for assessing weight that is too low i
s the body mass iever, even lesser amounts of weight kt loss can be a cause for serious 
concern in a frail elderly person
Unintentional  v425nk weight loss can occur because of  nkan inadequately nutritious diet relativ
e to a person's energ 5nk y needs (generally called malnutrition). Disease processes, change
s in metabolism, hormonal changes, medications or other treat 5nk ments, disease- or treatme
nt-related dietary changes, or 5nk  reduced ap nkpet 425nk ite associated with a disease or treatment c
an also cau v425nk se unintentional weight losPoo 25nk r nutrient utilization can lead to weight loss,
 and can be caused by fistulae i v425nk n the gastrointestinal tract, diarrh 425nk ea, drug-nutrient int
 eraction, enzyme depletion and muscle atrophy.
Continuing weight loss may dete 25nk riorate into wasting, a vaguely defined condition called c
achexia.[6] Cach nkexia differs nk from starvation in part b 425nk ecause it involves a systemic infla
mmatory response.It is associated with poorer  25nk outcomesIn the advanced stages of 
progressive disease, metabolism can change so that they lose 5nk  weight even when they are gettin
g what is normally regarded as adequate nutrition  nkand the body cannot compensate. This leads 
to a condition call 25nk ed anorexia 5nk  cachexia syndromnd a 425nk dditional nutrition or supplement
ation is unlikely to help small amounts, nausea, anemia, weakness and fati
Serious weight loss may reduce quality v425nk  of life, impair treatment effectiv

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