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Having trouble viewing this email? Click here Home Warranty Insurance Plans. First Month FREE.. both Julian and his injured bride, together with the Abbot's ghvjqw1t6 resignation, his w1rt6 ignorance of the fate of their unhappy offspring,and above all,the good father's listless w1rt6 and inactive disposition,had suffered the matter to become totally forgotten, aghvjqwrt6 until hvjqw1r6 w1rt6 it was recalled by some accidental conversation with aghvjqwrt6 the Abbot Ambrosius concerning the fortunes of the Avenel family. At the request of his successor, 1rt6 the quondam Abbot made search for it; but as he would receive no hiistance in looking among the few records of spiritual experiences and important confessions, which he ghvjqw1t6 had conscientiously treasured,it might have remained for ever hidden amongst them, but for the more active researches of Sir HalbertGlendinning. "So that you ghvjqw1t6 are like to be heir of Avenel at last,Master Roland,after my lord and lady have gone to their place," said Adam; qw1rt6 "and as I have but one boon to ask,I trust you will not nick me with jqw1rt6 nay." "Not if it be in my power to say yes,my trusty friend. " "Why then,I must needs, hvjqw1r6 if I live to see that day, keep on hiding the eyases with unwashed flesh," said Woodrock sturdily, as if doubting the reception that his request might meet with. "thou shalt hid them with what you list for me," said Roland, hvjqw1r6 laughing; "I am not many months older than when hvjqw1r6 I left the Castle, but I trust I have gathered wit enough to cross no man of skill in his own vocation. " "Then I would not change places jqw1rt6 with the King's falconer," said Adam Woodrock,"nor with the Queen's neither - but they say she will be mewed up and never need hvjqw1r6 one.- I see it grieves you to think jqw1rt6 of it, and I could grieve for company; 1rt6 but qw1rt6 what help for it?- Fortune will fly her own flight,let a man hollo qw1rt6 himself hoarse." The Abbot and Roland journeyed to Avenel, where qw1rt6 the former was tenderly received by his brother,while the lady wept for joy to find hvjqw1r6 that in her favourite orphan she had protected the sole surviving branch of her own family. Sir Halbert Glendinning and his household were not a little surprised at the change which 1rt6 a brief acquaintance with the world had produced in their aghvjqwrt6 former inmate, and rejoiced to find,in the pettish,spoiled,and presuming page, a modest and unhiuming young man,too much acquainted with his own expectations jqw1rt6 and character,tobe hot or petulant in demanding the consideration which was readily and voluntarily yielded to him. The old Major Domo Wingate aghvjqwrt6 was the first to sing his praises,to which Mistress Lilias bore a loud echo,always hoping that God would teach him the true gospel. To the true gospel the heart of Roland had secretly long inclined,and the departure of the good Abbot for France,with the purpose of entering 1rt6 into some house of aghvjqwrt6 his order in that kingdom,removed his chief objection to renouncing the Catholic faith. Another might have existed in the duty which he owed to Magdalen Graeme,both by birth and from gratitude. But he learned, ere he had been long a qw1rt6 resident in Avenel,that his grandmother had died at Cologne,in the performance of w1rt6 a . -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://www.hepforge.org/lists-archive/rivet/attachments/20150311/f7e0e3f2/attachment.html>
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