[Rivet] Plot multiple histograms from one yoda on same canvas

Christian Johnson christian.johnson at cern.ch
Tue Mar 24 16:43:32 GMT 2015

Hi Andy,

That fixed the problem for me as well! I am using Homebrew to install most of the dependencies for Rivet and Yoda and I believe they are really good at keeping things very up to date. I will be careful with that next time around. Thanks for the quick fix!


> On Mar 24, 2015, at 12:36 PM, Andy Buckley <a.g.buckley at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> Thanks for the info. I've upgraded to the latest Cython and I get the
> same problem. I tracked it down to line 1141 of
> pyext/yoda/declarations.pxd, where
>        vector[HistoBin1D]& bins() #except +yodaerr
> should read
>        vector[HistoBin2D]& bins() #except +yodaerr
> If you make that change, it should fix the problem -- it does for me.
> I'll update the 1.3.1 tarball with this fix, but since it only applies
> for people using the bleeding edge of Cython who are regenerating the
> source mapping, it seems below threshold for a new numbered release.
> Cheers,
> Andy
> On 24/03/15 15:02, Christian Johnson wrote:
>> I think you are right in guessing that Python is trying to regenerate
>> the core.cpp file. I compared your “core.cpp” file to the “core.cpp”
>> file in a freshly downloaded copy of YODA-1.3.1 with diff and found no
>> differences. Then I started to build the source code and ran into the
>> error again. After this, I compared the two files again and saw a large
>> number of differences.
>> I have attached the diff file. I also see that you are using Cython 0.20
>> and I am using 0.22. I am not sure how much this matters though because
>> I also used 0.22 to successfully build Yoda 1.3.0.
>> Cheers,
>> Christian
>>> On Mar 24, 2015, at 6:52 AM, Andy Buckley <a.g.buckley at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:a.g.buckley at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi Christian,
>>> I've copied in the other YODA authors. I don't know what could be going
>>> on there -- I've tested for a long time on my Linux laptop, and before
>>> release I also tested that it builds on a couple of Scientific Linux
>>> systems. I just checked now and it also built ok on our OS X build
>>> testing machine (although we do have issues with that test system
>>> configuration at the moment).
>>> I also just looked at the version of pyext/yoda/core.cpp on my machine
>>> and it doesn't seem to line up with the line numbers that you've got. In
>>> fact, I couldn't even find '__pyx_t_5 = __pyx_t_2->bins()' in my
>>> core.cpp file, although there were some similar things. I wouldn't
>>> expect this error (a bin type mismatch in the Python interface build) to
>>> succeed for some compilers and not others. It looks to me like you've
>>> somehow got an old version of core.cpp... or is it possible that a
>>> version of Cython on your machine tried to regenerate it?
>>> Maybe someone Mac-based can also try out the new YODA 1.3.1 and let us
>>> know their experience...
>>> Thanks for reporting; hopefully we can figure this out quickly.
>>> Andy
>>> PS. I will email you my copy of core.cpp privately, since it's 3.6 MB,
>>> but it should be the same as that from the tarball.
>>> On 24/03/15 01:47, Christian Johnson wrote:
>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>> Thanks for this! I looked through it in the source code and it appears
>>>> to be very useful. Unfortunately I am having some troubles upgrading.
>>>> When compiling on my Mac (OS X 10.10.2) I run into this error:
>>>> gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -dynamic -I/usr/local/include
>>>> -I/usr/local/opt/sqlite/include -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall
>>>> -Wstrict-prototypes -I/Users/Alex/Desktop/yoda/include -Iyoda
>>>> -I/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.9/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/include/python2.7
>>>> -c yoda/core.cpp -o build/temp.macosx-10.10-x86_64-2.7/yoda/core.o
>>>> -I/usr/local/include -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-strict-prototypes
>>>> *yoda/core.cpp:38593:15: **error: **no viable overloaded '='*
>>>>   __pyx_t_5 = __pyx_t_2->bins().at(__pyx_v_i);
>>>> *    ~~~~~~~~~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
>>>> *yoda/core.cpp:213:7: note: *candidate function (the implicit copy
>>>> assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'value_type'
>>>>     (aka 'YODA::HistoBin2D') to 'const
>>>> __Pyx_FakeReference<YODA::HistoBin1D>' for 1st argument
>>>> class __Pyx_FakeReference {
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Christian
>>>>> On Mar 19, 2015, at 6:29 PM, Andy Buckley <a.g.buckley at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:a.g.buckley at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:a.g.buckley at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> On 06/03/15 22:18, Christian Johnson wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Rivet team,
>>>>>> I have a feature request. There may already be a method for this, if
>>>>>> so then please let me know.
>>>>>> I have run into a few occasions where it is useful to compare several
>>>>>> plots from the same yoda file (e.g. control region distribution
>>>>>> comparison, etc…) on the same canvas. I have not been able to figure
>>>>>> out a simple way to do this other than building the “*.dat” file
>>>>>> myself and then using make-plots. I am sure there is an easier way
>>>>>> using the YODA framework.
>>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>>> We don't have a ready-made script in Rivet for that, but I just released
>>>>> a new version of YODA (1.3.1) which includes a new yoda.plotting Python
>>>>> module and yodaplot script that might help. There is also a yodacmp
>>>>> script which might be worth look at as an example of how to
>>>>> programmatically make .dat files that could be plotted with yodaplot or
>>>>> make-plots.
>>>>> We're looking to improve the plotting and plot handling functionality
>>>>> over time, although it's definitely a side-project relative to the Rivet
>>>>> physics content. So please let us know what does and doesn't work
>>>>> for you!
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Andy
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
>>>>> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
>>> -- 
>>> Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
>>> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
> -- 
> Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

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