[Rivet] New file in rivet contrib --- pre2.2.1

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Tue Mar 24 17:40:45 GMT 2015

On 24/03/15 17:28, root wrote:
> A new file 'pre2.2.1' has been detected in /hepforge/home/rivet/downloads/contrib

Ha, so the new cron job works! Thanks Holger.

This is the result of me moving all our pending analyses into a new
pre2.2.1 directory. Release of Rivet 2.2.1 is imminent -- it just
successfully built for me from tarball on lxplus and the tarballs,
bootstrap scripts, and website are updated. Announcement email to come
later this evening.

Thanks to all contributors -- particularly Chris and Holger who made it
all happen in an informal sprint last week. Onward!


Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

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