[Rivet] [Re]Mayo Clinic report shows diabetes can be beat

Zak Robbins zakrobbins at dogrampforbed.org
Tue Mar 31 09:22:04 BST 2015

Diseases and Conditions > Diabetes 
			Both types of diabetes could be CURED by this SUPER FOOD that 'rewires'the body, scientists claim
			Diabetes is a life-long health condition where there is too much glucose in the blood because the body cannot use it properly. The pancreas of a diabetes sufferer is unable to produce any insulin, or not enough.
			This super food shifts that control from the pancreas to the upper intestine.
			During Several test, this vegetable has been shown to drastically lower blood sugar levels.
			The breakthrough, which relies on 'rewiring' the body, could, the Scientific team hope, pave the way for a cure for both type 1 and 2 diabetes.
						You can access the Full Research Info at: Click Here 
			Mar 31, 2015
			Tags: Diabetes, Food, cure, how-to, scientific, research, body-hack



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