[Rivet] MC_HJETS and MC_HINC using ZFinderAndy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chFri May 1 11:24:02 BST 2015
Hi all, Sorry to have taken such a long time to come back to this issue. In the Rivet trunk I have fixed the MC_HJETS/HINC/HKTSPLITTINGS analyses to (ab)use the ZFinder with a mass range of 115-135 GeV and a mass target of 125 GeV (to summarise earlier messages, it was previously 115-125 GeV and a mass target of mZ). The ZFinder constructor is now: ZFinder hfinder(FinalState(), cut, PID::TAU, 115*GeV, 135*GeV, 0.0, ZFinder::NOCLUSTER, ZFinder::NOTRACK, 125*GeV); I agree with the idea that we should use distinct types for this -- using the ZFinder here was always a hack. In fact we do already have a ParticleFinder base class, with a plan for migration of various "finder" projections to inherit from this rather than FinalState. The latter has led to various misleading names, most notably the oxymoronic UnstableFinalState ;-) Since this is largely just a matter of nomenclature and semantics, it's not been a priority up to now, but I think the time has come to sort this out -- and maybe to add a HiggsFinder at the same time. I have left the default ZFinder target mass at mZ because, er, it's a ZFinder and the Z mass is well-defined. If we were to push some of this logic "upstairs" into a ParticleFinder subclass like (Dilepton)ResonanceFinder then it would make complete sense for that generic resonance finder to return all dilepton pairs, i.e. without a mass target to identify the "best" pair. The way we do it depends on how much code duplication we can really avoid by adding more inheritance layers. SLIGHTLY OFF-TOPIC: I feel a bit awkward about the "HiggsFinder" suggestion since, unlike for W & Z where the main experimentally used decay modes are directly leptonic, the direct di-leptonic Higgs decay modes are not what most people are interested in looking for. But sure, we could fix the mass target and PID problems with a minimal "LeptonicHiggsFinder"/"HiggsFinderDilepton"/"HiggsFinderLL", paving the way to also add HiggsFinderDiphoton, HiggsFinderLeptonicWW, etc. The problem with those is that as final states become more complex, especially when jets are involved and double-especially when jet substructure methods are used, there ceases to be one obvious way to do it... and if every analysis has a different procedure for resolving ambiguities, doing mass-constrained fits, etc. then there's no benefit to doing the finding in a projection: it might as well be coded up differently in each analysis class. That's why we don't (yet) have a TopFinder, nor a HadronicWFinder. Cheers, Andy On 26/03/15 12:29, Hunt, Julia wrote: > Hello all, > > maybe just a suggestion from the outside: > > How about creating a general ParticleFinder class and derive two child classes (HiggsFinder and ZFinder)? Or even a third one to return all possible combinations? > > By the way, there is an additional flaw in using the current ZFinder for finding a Higgs jet. > The particle ID of the found bosons is set to the Z ID, see line 131 > > _bosons.push_back(Particle(PID::ZBOSON, pZ)); > > Derived classes could be used to solve this. > > Best regards, > > Julia and Marco > ________________________________________ > Von: Frank Siegert [frank.siegert at cern.ch] > Gesendet: Donnerstag, 26. März 2015 12:54 > An: Andy Buckley > Cc: Chris Pollard; rivet at projects.hepforge.org; Hunt, Julia > Betreff: Re: [Rivet] MC_HJETS and MC_HINC using ZFinder > >>> I think Julia has a point, namely that additionally to the mass range >>> we can specify a mass target, which means that only the pair closest >>> to the target is being kept. At least in the Higgs analyses this >>> should be changed: >>> - to 0 such that all possible pairs are kept for the user to decide, or >>> - to 125 such that the correct pair is kept >>> >>> Maybe we want to change this to 0 in general? I just don't know >>> whether there are any analyses that rely on it being 91 at the moment, >>> but we could simply set it explicitly to 91 in all existing analyses >>> using the ZFinder such as to remain backward compatible. >> >> This would be a possibility, but it *is* a ZFinder. If we think that >> selecting the Z candidate closest to the known Z mass is reasonable in >> all the existing analyses using ZFinder then I think we should keep it >> there. >> >> Seems to me that the main point is to change the range to one centred on >> 125*GeV in these MC_H* analyses, and to also explicitly set the mass >> target either to 125 or to 0 in them. This use of ZFinder is the >> exception, rather than a reason to change the default, IMHO. > > One could also argue that a good default for the ZFinder is to return > all allowed combinations within the given mass range. So the user > would then decide how to pick one and discard the other, or (more > likely) completely discard the rare events where there are two Z's. I > would think that the latter is something more commonly (and easily) > implemented in experimental analyses? > > Cheers, > Frank > -- Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
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