[Rivet] problem with rivet-mkhtml

russo russo at fi.infn.it
Tue May 5 13:54:42 BST 2015

Dear Frank,
Thanks for your reply.
I attached a file with a dump of my environment variables which are 
initialized with CMS software framework.
I'm working on lxplus so if you know a simple way to initialize Rivet 
standalone please let me know.

Thanks a lot,


Il 05/05/2015 14:35, Frank Siegert ha scritto:
> Hi Lorenzo,
> (cc'ing the Rivet list again, to also have Albert et al. in the thread
> who might know more about the CMS Rivet setup)
> How do you know your env variables are ok? How do you initialise Rivet?
> I can plot each of your plots without problems on my machine, that's
> why I was suspecting that something is wrong with the environment
> variables. Can you print them here please?
> Cheers,
> Frank
> On 4 May 2015 at 11:40, russo <russo at fi.infn.it> wrote:
>> Dear Frank,
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> So my environment variables are ok (FYI I use Rivet on lxplus in
>> CMSSW_7_2_1).
>> In addition Rivet produces correctly all plots for a single .yoda file (for
>> example you can see plot_gg_*** http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/~lorusso/).
>> I guess that the problem is in "ratio band":
>> indeed if I use the option "--no-ratio " (as you can see in "compare6"
>> folder on "http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/~lorusso/")  the output is ok.
>> Is possible that this is a Rivet bug?
>> I attach my .yoda file.
>> Thanks,
>> Cheers,
>> Lorenzo
>> Il 04/05/2015 10:20, Frank Siegert ha scritto:
>>> Hi Lorenzo,
>>> do you have your own installation of Rivet and do you use the
>>> rivetenv.sh that came with it to set up your environment for Rivet
>>> plotting? In particular, do you have the environment variables
>>> relevant for latex running, e.g. $TEXMFCNF etc.?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Frank
>>> On 4 May 2015 at 10:09, russo <russo at fi.infn.it> wrote:
>>>> Dear Rivet projects,
>>>> I'm new in Rivet and I write a Rivet analysis that produce different
>>>> .yoda
>>>> file for different data input.
>>>> My goal is to compare three (or two) different .yoda file and visualize
>>>> the
>>>> output in html format.
>>>> Therefore I use this command line:
>>>> rivet-mkhtml file1.yoda file2.yoda file3.yoda
>>>> My output is here
>>>> http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/~lorusso/compare5/WWGen_cut/index.html
>>>> My problem is that some plots are blank (other are ok).
>>>> Can you help me or give me any advice?
>>>> Thanks a lot,
>>>> Lorenzo
>>>> --
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>>>> Lorenzo Russo
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>> Lorenzo Russo
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Lorenzo Russo


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