[Rivet] analysis

David Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk
Wed May 6 12:58:33 BST 2015

On 01/05/15 16:34, Andy Buckley wrote:
> Yes, we need to add that to our procedure.
> The theorist use of vanilla SLC6 systems (it'd be better to just use
> Ubuntu or Fedora...) is our main blocker on moving Rivet "properly" to
> C++11: the relevant experiment software builds are all using up-to-date
> compilers. But SLC7 / CC7 is available now, and lxplus7 is available,
> with the vanilla compiler being the fully C++11-compatible GCC 4.8.3...
> so maybe we *are* now at the point where we could match that switch, say
> with Rivet 2.3.0. Opinions?

Don't forget non-experiment Grid users, who are stuck with default SLC6
unless they build and ship their own compilers. This will also be a
major issue for HepMC3 adoption on the generator side.


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