[Rivet] Thoughts on a Rivet 2.2.2 release?

David Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk
Sun May 10 12:52:46 BST 2015

Hi all,

I'll add my +1 to both of Chris' points here,

1) no automatic guessing
2) no physics in YODA (which makes (1) almost impossible anyway)


On 09/05/2015 09:29, Chris Pollard wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just to add my 2c to this disucssion: I think we should remove any
> guesswork in yodamerge. Forcing the user to specify exactly what s/he wants
> should prevent bugs and miscues. Unexpected results are a big downside to
> providing "magic" scripts that automatically figure out what the user is
> most likely to want.
> Taking this maybe one step further: my opinion is that yoda definitely
> shouldn't make any physics-motivated assumptions about its inputs. It makes
> sense to me to have a rivet-merge-runs script or the like, but it should
> live in rivet-, not yoda-space.
> Regards,
> Chris
> On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 6:16 PM, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch> wrote:
>> On 04/05/15 15:11, Frank Siegert wrote:
>>> Hi Andy,
>>>> Another thing on my to-do list is Frank's suggestion about making
>>>> --assume-normalized the default behaviour of yodamerge. I think we need
>>>> to discuss that properly: there is a tension between practicality and
>>>> principle in the heuristics we use, which can only be properly fixed by
>>>> storing the pre-finalize data objects and re-running finalize on the
>>>> merged end-of-loop histos. But let's have the discussion... maybe we can
>>>> make a decision in the next ~week in time for 2.2.2?
>>> Already at the end of the ~week time frame, sorry...
>>> So what is the principle due to which the current heuristics default
>>> is better? If we can't agree on a good default then we could just get
>>> rid of the heuristics completely and let the user specify whether the
>>> input yoda files come from identical runs with different random seeds
>>> or whether they are from different processes which should be added.
>> Hi Frank,
>> I'm not sure my argument is very good. Actually I'm not sure *any*
>> guesswork like this is a good idea! But at least the current approach
>> *does* allow for the possibility of both normalized and unnormalized
>> histo merging.
>> The choice is just between the direction of fallback if a check for
>> equal normalizations fails: I took the approach that if the histos to be
>> merged have sufficiently different normalizations, then I assume that
>> they are "raw", i.e. unnormalized and should just be added together. If
>> I was to assume that despite the mismatched integrals, the histos really
>> are normalized, then there is no path by which to combine unnormalized
>> histos: that obviously has drawbacks.
>> But maybe I misunderstood: did you mean that we should check for the
>> "ScaledBy" attribute, and if there is one then we assume (by default,
>> presumably switchable) that equal norms were intended, while if there
>> isn't such an attribute then they *must* be raw histos? There are
>> downsides to this approach , too, but if you think it would b a better
>> match to real use-cases then I won't object to switching the logic
>> around -- provided that we add an --assume-unnormalized switch to
>> re-enable the current behaviour.
>> Any way like this is a hack: we have to guess what the ScaledBy *meant*
>> semantically, while the finalize code really *knows* what is being done
>> to make the final histos. And we're never going to be able to correctly
>> add Scatters this way. So we *need* to get the re-engineering work done
>> to allow "proper" re-running of finalize with the merged pre-finalize
>> data objects "bootstrapped" from file.
>> Andy
>> PS. I'm not even daring to think about the distinction between
>> hetero/homogeneous merging at the moment! Any thoughts on how we should
>> approach that? But I do advocate that -- for now -- when you need to
>> know what you're doing rather than just making a quick plot, it's better
>> to write a little script than to fire off yodamerge and hope that it'll
>> do the right thing for your data objects. We could add little merging
>> routines to the YODA Python library to help with such scripts -- feel
>> free to contribute! (And also to the yoda.plotting library...)
>> --
>> Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
>> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
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