[Rivet] question of using Rivet. final state radiation and different transverse momentum threshold in ZFinder

Yu-hsiang Chang 張祐祥 index0192 at yahoo.com.tw
Wed May 20 09:04:35 BST 2015

Hi Rivet concerned,
I want to know where is the Rivet discussion when I have question about Rivet using? Or I just ask question by this address(<rivet at projects.hepforge.org>)?
If yes, I would ask my question in below.
(1) In my Rivet plugin, I use
       const FinalState fs(-5.0, 5.0);
to define a final state, whose rapidity is within -5.0 to 5.0. Has the fs undergone the final state radiation(FSR)? 
(2) In my Rivet plugin, I use
       const ZFinder zfm(fs, -2.4, 2.4, 9*GeV, PID::MUON, 15*GeV, 1500*GeV);
to obtain the Z bosob or the virtual photon from 2 final states fs,whose particle ID are Muon,rapidities are in [-2.4,2.4],  transverse momentum(pT) are larger than 9 GeV, 
invariant mass are in [15,1500] GeV.
If I want to choose my Z boson from 2 muon, but this time the 2 muons are required to different pT thresholds,the first Muon is required to have pT> 14 GeV, and the second Muon is required to have pT> 9 GeV,then how can I achieve it?
Or is there other way to do that instead of using ZFinder?
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