[Rivet] NLOHisto1DFrank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.chWed May 20 12:52:11 BST 2015
Dear all, the correct statistical treatment of correlated MC-events is a very common user request -- just yesterday I had two users asking me about it (cc'ed). I have so far always only provided the workaround in contrib/nlohisto, but it would probably be nice if we could put this directly into Rivet/YODA. The necessary changes are very simple: each histogram has to become a wrapper around a temporary histogram, which is then filled for subsequent correlated events (signalled by the same event number) and only upon a new event number the temporary histogram contents are synced to the actual histogram using something like for (int i=0; i<_tmphist->bins().size(); ++i) fillBin(i, _tmphist->bin(i).area()); (cf. https://rivet.hepforge.org/trac/browser/contrib/nlohisto/NLOHisto1D.cc ) >From my side there are only two questions: 1) Do we want to always use this in all analyses, i.e. do we accept the (probably minor) overhead from this bookkeeping? I don't know whether it would be an option to introduce a switch which dynamically enables this functionality within the histogram class. 2) Should this live in a Rivet wrapper around YODA::Histo1D or is this more a functionality of the histogram class that should be moved into YODA? Of course, in the latter case we would not fill using Rivet::Event but just event weight and event number. What do you think? Cheers, Frank
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