[Rivet] NLOHisto1DChris Pollard cpollard at cern.chThu May 21 13:01:16 BST 2015
Hi all, > This is what the "multi-event" branch does, along with handling of > > weight vectors within each (sub)event. Take a look in > > /hepforge/hg/rivet/private/multi-event I'll let Chris say more about > > the status of this -- as far as I know it's working for 1D histograms > > and just needs a bit of technical work to generalize to wrappers on the > > other YODA data types without masses of unmaintainable code duplication > > -- i.e. some template or macro smartness, preferably without being too > > clever-clever. > > Argh, many apologies that I completely forgot about this older thread > in which this was mentioned already! > Sorry about this---several emails in this thread coincided with my bi-weekly (!!) removal from the rivet list due to excessive bounces. Anyone have a good solution to this? Basically, yes: that's the status. David G did a good deal of the coding, but I'm familiar with what is going on and have tested that the multi-event branch yields the same results as the release-2-2-x branch with NLO-weight-capable Histo1Ds. I haven't synced the multi-event repo in a while though, so that probably needs to happen before we move forward. That also reminds me that I wanted to catch Chris (and anybody else > interested) on Skype to discuss a bit more how we can work towards > re-entrant histogramming. I've got a lecture block just ahead of me, > which probably means it'll be mid-June before I'll actually be able to > spend some more time on this. Chris, I'll ping you eventually, ok? > But anyway it's great that the counter event stuff is already in > implementation. > Yes, of course. My skype ID is cspollard. There was talk of a possible Rivet meetup/hackathon in early July to work on this. I'll let Andy chime in on whether that's a realistic possibility. Chris -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://www.hepforge.org/lists-archive/rivet/attachments/20150521/825a0e98/attachment.html>
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