[Rivet] question of using Rivet. final state radiation and different transverse momentum threshold in ZFinderDavid Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.ukThu May 21 15:35:45 BST 2015
Hi Yu-hsiang, can you please attach the code files rather than copying them. The formatting is all messed up. Thanks, David On 21/05/2015 14:07, Yu-hsiang Chang 張祐祥 wrote: > Hi Deepak, > Thanks for your reply and suggestion. It works that requires the event has leading muon pT>14 to make the 2 muons have different pT cuts (14 and 9 GeV). (the way [1]) > But later I find another way to do it. I require the 2 muon constituents of Z/gamma to have pT>14 and >9 respectively. (the way[2] ) > However, once I count the entries in my histogram, I find way [1] gives me 102 events,and way [2] gives me 111 events. > And if I print (use "cout") the leading muon size(the # of leading muon) in way[2](from the more entries we know [2] is the loose requirement),sometime it shows it has "zero" leading muon but it still pass [2]. > Like below---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Begin processing the 711th record. Run 1, Event 711, LumiSection 1 at 21-May-2015 12:12:24.093 CEST# of leading muon:0# of Z boson:1# of muon from Z:2i:0 i-th muon pT:14.1995i:1 i-th muon pT:12.1323---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > Do you know what happens and why [1] and [2] give 2 numbers? > The generator used here is Pythia6 and produce DY to MuMu event. > The essential code of my Rivet plugin( [1] and [2] ) is shown in below. > Thanks. > Yu-hsiang > > [1] The first way: require the leading muon---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > void init() { > // Full final state const FinalState fs(-5.0, 5.0); addProjection(fs, "FS"); // Z finders for muons const ZFinder zfm(fs, -2.4, 2.4, 9*GeV, PID::MUON, 15*GeV, 1500*GeV); addProjection(zfm, "ZFM"); > // leading muon LeadingParticlesFinalState muonfs(FinalState(-2.4, 2.4, 14.0*GeV)); muonfs.addParticleId(PID::MUON); addProjection(muonfs, "LeadingMuon"); > // Histograms _hist1MZ_of_MuMu = bookHisto1D(2, 1, 3);// preFSR detector acc > }
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