[Rivet] Rivet plugin upload rights

Janssen Xavier xavier.janssen at uantwerpen.be
Thu May 21 16:40:54 BST 2015

Hi Holger.

OK I redid it. I am in fact unsure but it might be that I have an account already with the username ‘xjanssen’ from >5 years ago for another project but I have no idea of the password if that is the case.

Cheers, Xavier.

On 20 May 2015, at 11:24, Holger Schulz <holger.schulz at durham.ac.uk<mailto:holger.schulz at durham.ac.uk>> wrote:

On 20/05/15 09:47, Janssen Xavier wrote:


A couple of weeks ago, I tried to (re-)create an account on hep forge to be able to upload Rivet plugins for CMS but I did not receive any feedback to my request.
Any advice on how to proceed further ?

Cheers, Xavier.
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