[Rivet] bug in ATLAS_2014_I1325553 (inclusive jets)

Holger Schulz hschulz at physik.hu-berlin.de
Thu May 21 18:52:17 BST 2015


Peter, hg log tells me that you introduced the additional factor, what 
was/is the issue?


On 21/05/15 18:44, Christian Gütschow wrote:
> Dear Rivet authors,
> it looks like a bug has been introduced in the current trunk version 
> of the ATLAS inclusive jets measurement (the version from the last 
> release is fine). Specifically, the normalisation factor in the 
> finalise routine has been modified:
> https://rivet.hepforge.org/trac/browser/src/Analyses/ATLAS_2014_I1325553.cc#L83
> to include an additional factor of 0.5 -- apparently to fix an issue 
> with the normalisation.
> There should be no such factor as absolute rapidity has been used 
> consistently throughout the analysis and such a factor is only really 
> necessary if absolute and signed rapidities are being mixed (axis 
> label vs cross section differential).
> Note that the original version (without 0.5) has been validated and no 
> issues with the normalisation have been observed, so I would recommend 
> to unfix this again. :-)
> Many thanks,
> Chris
> -- 
>  Dr. Christian Gütschow
>  TU Dresden
>  Institut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik
>  Zellescher Weg 19
>  01069 Dresden
> > E17, Andreas-Schubert-Bau
> > chris.g at cern.ch <mailto:chris.g at cern.ch>
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