[Rivet] Rivet 2.4 and xsec/event counter information

Leif Lönnblad leif.lonnblad at thep.lu.se
Tue Nov 10 12:06:34 GMT 2015

On 2015-11-10 12:50, Frank Siegert wrote:
> But it still won't work with the existing ATLAS workflow, because it
> would mean that in these cases you double-ignore the filtered events
> when applying the discarded event efficiency on top of cross section *
> filter efficiency.

I'm not sure I understand. The cross section information in HepMC would 
not change. It would still give the the estimate of the actual cross 
section of the recorded events. The only thing that changes is that the 
number of discarded zero-weight events is reported through the event 
numbers. In what way is ATLAS using the event numbers now?


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