[Rivet] Rivet routine for D0_2000_I503361

Holger Schulz holger.schulz at durham.ac.uk
Fri Oct 2 10:07:11 BST 2015

On 01/10/15 19:04, Gavin Hesketh wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for weighting in again, but I'm pretty sure there should not be 
> an ET cut on the electrons... Section V in the paper mentions 
> correcting for this.
Ok, well I was under the impression that they did a smple poor man's 
unfolding with the same
cuts in reco an truth.
> Do the distributions look completely off if you remove that cut?
Na, there is no visible change.

> cheers,
> Gavin
> On 01/10/15 16:01, Holger Schulz wrote:
>> On 01/10/15 15:43, Frank Siegert wrote:
>>> Hi Holger,
>>> given that you have committed this analysis now as validated (using
>>> Sherpa), I was just wondering whether the normalisation looks as
>>> expected. Simone mentioned that his validation was done using Pythia8,
>>> and it would be surprising that Pythia8 matches the cross section
>>> correctly -- one would expect a global ~ -15% offset due to the
>>> missing NLO accuracy.
>>> Have you compared it against NLO Sherpa (or LO Sherpa scaled with an
>>> appropriate k-factor) and see good agreement? Anything else could
>>> point to missing (lepton?) cuts.
>> Hi Frank,
>> the paper states an ET cut for the electrons of at least 25 GeV, I
>> implemented
>> that one. I ran Sherpa with LJET=1, NJET=1 using the example setup 
>> and see
>> a shape very much compatible with data. The offset is about 15-20%. I 
>> ran
>> 100000 weighted events using trunk without MI_HANDLER
>> Here is the shape comparison for the peak region:
>>     https://users.hepforge.org/~holsch/d01-x01-y01.pdf
>> And this is the distribution up to zpt=150 GeV:
>>     https://users.hepforge.org/~holsch/d01-x01-y01_150GeV.pdf
>> Cheers,
>> Holger
>>> Cheers,
>>> Frank
>>> On 28 September 2015 at 11:39, Simone 
>>> Amoroso<simo.amoroso at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> Hi Frank,
>>>> For the selections (since the paper was not really clear), I copied 
>>>> what was used in the Z/W pT ratio (already in RIVET),
>>>> which makes use of the same selections.
>>>> The validation was simply made by running Pythia8, I definitely 
>>>> didn’t apply k-factors,
>>>> but I might have rescaled the prediction to data (I honestly don’t 
>>>> remember).
>>>> cheers,
>>>> Simone
>>>>> On 23 Sep 2015, at 16:07, Frank Siegert<frank.siegert at cern.ch>  
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I have just started to look at this to get it in for the imminent
>>>>> release. The paper is at first glance not very clear on which
>>>>> selection requirements were retained for the final cross section
>>>>> measurement. Simone, do you remember, why you removed the electron ET
>>>>> cuts? Did they correct completely for the electron acceptance?
>>>>> And for your validation plot, I was wondering which Monte-Carlo did
>>>>> you run, and is the prediction scaled by a (K-)factor?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Frank
>>>>> On 1 July 2015 at 15:57, Chris Pollard<cpollard at cern.ch>  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Simone,
>>>>>> In this analysis I notice that there is no lepton pt cut imposed 
>>>>>> in the
>>>>>> ZFinder. Was this intentional? I guess at least one lepton needs 
>>>>>> to have pT
>>>>>>> 10 GeV to fire the trigger?
>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>> On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 9:51 AM, Andy 
>>>>>> Buckley<andy.buckley at cern.ch>  wrote:
>>>>>>> On 07/05/15 07:55, Simone Amoroso wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>>>>>> I made a new RIVET routine for the D0 RunI measurement of the Z 
>>>>>>>> pT.
>>>>>>>> Below a validation plot and attached the tarball.
>>>>>>> Thanks Simone, I've put it in the analysis contrib area and 
>>>>>>> we'll get it
>>>>>>> into a new Rivet release as soon as possible.
>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research 
>>>>>>> Fellow
>>>>>>> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
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