[Rivet] CMS QCD plugin

Holger Schulz holger.schulz at durham.ac.uk
Tue Oct 6 09:20:34 BST 2015

Hi all,

so I ran 10 M sherpa events for the CMS dijet plug in using the original
version with just some more vetoEvent calls for efficiency.

Here are the results from a sherpa LO run with a selector that
requires at least 2 Jets with 100 GeV pT:


There are some additional histograms, boo, chi, jetrap and jetpt that
show 0.5*|y0+y1|, chi, the jet rapidities and jet pts of selelected
diject systems. Everything looks to be in order and the lower jet mass
plots look reasonable to me, i.e. the trend of sherpa vs the data is very
similar compared to the trend of pythia6 vs sherpa that is shown in the
plots that came with the tarball. So I consider this validated as is and
put it into rivet now.

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