[Rivet] rivet-mkhtml recursively removes ${pwd}/plots without warning

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Thu Oct 8 13:27:47 BST 2015

We could alternatively change the rivet-mkhtml behaviour to write out to 
a rivet-plots directory. Then the name is less generic, and we don't 
have to add extra logic and "magic" like hidden files...


On 08/10/15 13:05, David Bjergaard wrote:
> Hi,
> Just because unix does something doesn't mean that makes it user friendly or
> sane. I haven't used rivet-mkhtml until today because I prefer dumping the *.dat
> files with rivet-cmphistos and then calling make-plots.  As a result, I had
> plots/dat and plots/pdf in ${PWD} and I would call rivet-cmphistos with -o
> plots/dat in order to avoid cluttering the ${PWD}.
> Given that /I/ made ${PWD}/plots and the files contained therein, I was
> surprised to find that the whole directory structure had been clobbered and
> replaced.
> When rivet replaces a file it created (.yoda) when I re-run the command, that's
> an expected side effect.  My objection is that command shouldn't be allowed to
> appropriate and replaces a directory that the user made for another purpose.
> David's suggestion that use put a hidden zero size file (whatever the python
> equivalent of "touch ${PWD}/plots/.mkhtml" is) and check for it would be the
> best compromise. That would keep the core behavior for people who expect their
> output to be over-written and it prevents people from clobbering plots that they
> might otherwise need.
> If you don't do anything, please at least change this:
> "You can overwrite an existing output directory."
> to
> "WARNING: This script automatically overwrites the existing output directory
> (default: ./plots)."
> That is a much more clear description of whats going to happen when reading the
> usage and options of the rivet-mkhtml script.
> Best,
>      David
> David Grellscheid <david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk> writes:
>> Hi!
>> Please keep the core behaviour as it is now. Andy has mentioned most of
>> the arguments already. We've had it the other way round before, and that
>> was a real pain to work with. I much prefer the silent convenience of
>> overwriting the existing output.
>> The issue is more in the naming I think. A directory name that has Rivet
>> explicitly in the name is less likely to have pre-existed. Or we check
>> for a hidden 0-size file in the directory before deleting, to make sure
>> the directory is one of ours.
>>    David
>> On 08/10/15 12:03, Andy Buckley wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> I'm not really sure why it would be a surprise. We equally don't warn or
>>> stop users from running rivet if the output .yoda file already exists,
>>> nor re. overwriting of the files and directories from rivet-cmp histos.
>>> The core Unix shell tools also don't complain when they would overwrite
>>> an existing file -- unless you specifically tell them to do so (for
>>> those which have such an option). Personally I prefer the convenience of
>>> the tools not objecting to overwrites. A priori if I run any command
>>> that would logically write into the same dir as a previous run, I should
>>> not expect my existing data to remain intact -- that's not just
>>> restricted to Rivet & friends!
>>> I was going to add the printed warning that you suggested, then changed
>>> my mind -- by the time they've seen the message the damage is already
>>> done, and we'd "need" to add similar messages to every tool in the Rivet
>>> (and YODA) suite. It just seems like extra noise to me. But maybe others
>>> disagree?
>>> Andy
>>> On 08/10/15 11:48, David Bjergaard wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> Luckily I didn't lose any plots that I was attached to, but I did have a ./plots
>>>> folder that was using to store intermediate results.  Removing any files without
>>>> warning the user is kind of scary which is what I think this line does:
>>>>       > if os.path.exists(opts.OUTPUTDIR) and not os.path.realpath(opts.OUTPUTDIR)==os.getcwd():
>>>>       >     import shutil
>>>>       >     shutil.rmtree(opts.OUTPUTDIR)
>>>> Why can't you throw an exception and say "OUTPUTDIR not empty, please use -f to
>>>> force overwriting", or less ideal but still better "OUTPUTDIR is not empty,
>>>> removing" so that its less of a surprise when all the subdirectories in
>>>> OUTPUTDIR have mysteriously vanished.
>>>>       David
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Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

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