[Rivet] ALICE Rivet (similar to ATLAS_2011_I919017) Merging pT hard binsAndy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chMon Oct 12 20:35:01 BST 2015
Hi Auguste, I only just spotted this email by luck while cleaning out my inbox. Too much email, and these things get missed. One more reason that it's better to email the main rivet at projects.hepforge.org mailing list rather than individuals if you want a response! Anyway, yodamerge should be doing the right thing when merging together different "jet slices" -- I guess that you are generating orthogonal MC configurations so that when added back together everything will be populated, without double-counting? To understand what is going (or probably, what went) wrong for you, we need a lot more detail on what commands you ran, e.g. whether your event samples were weighted or normalised. You may need to add multiplicative scaling factors to each input file to give the correct normalisation of each component, and those factors depend on exactly what you generated & filled. Andy On 06/08/15 13:36, schulz at physi.uni-heidelberg.de wrote: > > Dear Mr. Buckley, > > I am currently trying to rivetise an ALICE analysis on charged jet cross > sections and properties in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV > (http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/view/ins1328629). > > > The analysis is quite similar to the one you wrote on jet track > properties - ATLAS_2011_I919017. > In order to gain adequate statistics I have split the generation process > in different runs varying the pT hard bin. > I have not quite undestood, how these runs are merged properly and > wanted to ask you as the author of such a similar analysis, as well as a > Rivet developer, how you usually do that. > > Could you please state several steps how you did/do the merging for the > ATLAS analysis to get the normalization (devision by the number of jets > in certain jet pT bins for the fragmentation functions) right. > Simply running the yodamerge script does not seem to get it right. The > discussion on that topic seems to have stopped in 2013, so probably a > simple solution exists by now, which I am only unable to find. > As you stated in Ticket # 457 the merging is not trivial. I do not fully > understand how to perform the steps suggested there. Do you happen to > have an example? > > > The versions I am using are yoda1.3.1 and rivet2.2.1. > > I would be very grateful for a response and your advice(or a link to a > website with the provided information). > > Kind regards, > Auguste Schulz > -- Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
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