[Rivet] Problem with yodamerge

Chris Pollard cpollard at cern.ch
Tue Oct 13 10:23:07 BST 2015

Hi Hannes,

Can you send us the yodamerge command that you are using?


On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 8:22 AM, Hannes Jung <hannes.jung at desy.de> wrote:

> Dear Rivet experts
> I am using yodamerge to merge several yoda files (actually it is 1000 or
> so),
> to get reasonable statistics in a reasonable computing time.
> Sometimes I obtain strange results, like in the plot below,
> where the normalization is completely off.
> I am using Rivet 2.4.0, but a similar problem I had with Rivet 2.2.0.
> Any idea what this could be ?
> Since I am merging 1000 yoda files, it's hard to tell whether it comes
> from one
> specific file.... however, all jobs finished without error...
> Thanks a lot
> Cheers
> Hannes
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> Hannes Jung
> Email: Hannes.Jung at desy.de
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