[Rivet] scaling 2d histograms

Holger Schulz holger.schulz at durham.ac.uk
Fri Oct 16 13:23:24 BST 2015

On 16/10/15 10:46, Jonas Lindert wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> attached you find a yoda file with a 2D Histogram (and the result I 
> get with rivet-cmphistos).
Hi Jonas,

this is a bit hard to debug. Could you please tell me what shape/plot 
you would expect?

I attached the plot I get from you yoda file when setting LogZ=1.

Maybe we can use that as a basis for discussion.

> cheers,
> Jonas
> On 10/16/15 11:05, Andy Buckley wrote:
>> Hi Jonas,
>> Could you send us a .yoda file with your 2D histogram in it, and 
>> we'll do some testing / bugfixing? Thanks.
>> Andy
>> On 15/10/15 23:56, Jonas Lindert wrote:
>>> Hi Andy,
>>> i've got another Problem with 2D Histograms. This time on the yoda 
>>> side.
>>> The histogram rivet-cmphistos produces for a 2D yoda does not seem 
>>> to be
>>> correct.
>>> Look at the attached yoda file and the resulting dat-file from
>>> rivet-cmphistos. The shape of the two histograms is completely 
>>> different.
>>> cheers,
>>> Jonas
>>>> On 15 Oct 2015, at 01:33, Jonas Lindert <lindert at physik.uzh.ch
>>>> <mailto:lindert at physik.uzh.ch>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>> thanks a lot - this seems to work!
>>>> I will let you know if I have further issues with 2D histograms.
>>>> cheers,
>>>> Jonas
>>>>> On 14 Oct 2015, at 16:05, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch
>>>>> <mailto:andy.buckley at cern.ch>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jonas,
>>>>> Hmm, this does seem to be a bug. I'm not sure how the compiler
>>>>> allowed a method of Analysis to be declared but never defined, but
>>>>> that's what happened. In the development trunk I have added the lines
>>>>> below to src/Core/Analysis.cc <http://analysis.cc/>-- feel free to do
>>>>> the same to your local copy, and let us know if it works!
>>>>> This will go into the next patch release. Thanks for the report, and
>>>>> please let us know if you have any more trouble with 2D histograms
>>>>> since until recently they haven't been used much in Rivet/YODA.
>>>>> Patch:
>>>>> ----
>>>>>  void Analysis::normalize(Histo2DPtr histo, double norm, bool
>>>>> includeoverflows) {
>>>>>    if (!histo) {
>>>>>      MSG_ERROR("Failed to normalize histo=NULL in analysis " <<
>>>>> name() << " (norm=" << norm << ")");
>>>>>      return;
>>>>>    }
>>>>>    MSG_TRACE("Normalizing histo " << histo->path() << " to " << 
>>>>> norm);
>>>>>    try {
>>>>>      histo->normalize(norm, includeoverflows);
>>>>>    } catch (YODA::Exception& we) {
>>>>>      MSG_WARNING("Could not normalize histo " << histo->path());
>>>>>      return;
>>>>>    }
>>>>>  }
>>>>>  void Analysis::scale(Histo2DPtr histo, double scale) {
>>>>>    if (!histo) {
>>>>>      MSG_ERROR("Failed to scale histo=NULL in analysis " << name() <<
>>>>> " (scale=" << scale << ")");
>>>>>      return;
>>>>>    }
>>>>>    if (std::isnan(scale) || std::isinf(scale)) {
>>>>>      MSG_ERROR("Failed to scale histo=" << histo->path() << " in
>>>>> analysis: " << name() << " (invalid scale factor = " << scale << 
>>>>> ")");
>>>>>      scale = 0;
>>>>>    }
>>>>>    MSG_TRACE("Scaling histo " << histo->path() << " by factor " <<
>>>>> scale);
>>>>>    try {
>>>>>      histo->scaleW(scale);
>>>>>    } catch (YODA::Exception& we) {
>>>>>      MSG_WARNING("Could not scale histo " << histo->path());
>>>>>      return;
>>>>>    }
>>>>>  }
>>>>> ----
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Andy
>>>>> On 14/10/15 14:45, Jonas Lindert wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Rivet/Yoda Developers,
>>>>>> I have got a problem with 2D Histograms within Rivet 2.3. In 
>>>>>> particular
>>>>>> normalizing them via
>>>>>> scale (Histo2DPtr histo, double scale)
>>>>>> gives:
>>>>>> Rivet.Analysis.Handler: INFO  Finalising analyses
>>>>>> python: symbol lookup error: 
>>>>>> /zbox/user/lindert/rivet/RivetTwoD_test.so:
>>>>>> undefined symbol:
>>>>>> _ZN5Rivet8Analysis5scaleEN5boost10shared_ptrIN4YODA7Histo2DEEEd
>>>>>> where I use the standalone version of Rivet.
>>>>>> Attached you find an example including an hepmc file.
>>>>>> Am I using 2D histograms in a wrong way or is there a bug in 
>>>>>> Rivet/Yoda?
>>>>>> cheers,
>>>>>> Jonas
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>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
>>>>> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
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