[Rivet] CMS_2013_I1256943

Xavier Janssen Xavier.Janssen at cern.ch
Fri Oct 23 08:46:21 BST 2015


The authors of the plugin would like to propose a small change. As far as I understand this does not change the result but increase the efficiency as before half of the events were ending in the overflow bin due to the folding in Delta(Phi). Because of the symmetry in Delta(phi) and the normalisation done excluding the overflow bin, the result is identical but we would use all MC events instead of half of them ...

This can go in the next release …

Cheers, Xavier.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Vitaliano Ciulli <Vitaliano.Ciulli at cern.ch<mailto:Vitaliano.Ciulli at cern.ch>>
Subject: Fwd: CMS ZBB
Date: 22 Oct 2015 14:03:02 CEST
To: Janssen Xavier <xavier.janssen at uantwerpen.be<mailto:xavier.janssen at uantwerpen.be>>
Cc: Lorenzo Viliani <lorenzo.viliani at cern.ch<mailto:lorenzo.viliani at cern.ch>>

Hi Xavier,

you can find here the plugin with the fix


The only change is:

double dphiBB = fabs(Bmom[0].phi() - Bmom[1].phi());    --> double dphiBB = deltaPhi(Bmom[0], Bmom[1]);

and it has been tested


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