[Rivet] Problem with Rivet analysis ATLAS_2014_I1319490

Christian Gutschow christian.guetschow at tu-dresden.de
Thu Oct 29 10:00:57 GMT 2015

Hi Jesper, Andy, all,

many thanks for bringing this to our attention. It turns out the upper bin
edge should have been 3.15 and seems to have been incorrectly rounded to
3.2 somewhere.

We’ve fixed the HepData entry now and I’ve just uploaded a tarball with
fixed yoda files to the contrib area (Could somebody please put them into
the trunk, please?).

Incidentally, the related Rjets analysis (ATLAS_2014_I1312627) has the same
issue. We’ve fixed that one on HepData as well and I’ve uploaded a separate
tarball for that, too.


On 23 September 2015 at 16:52, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch> wrote:

> Hi Jesper,
> Copying to the Rivet main developer list. The ATLAS rep is on there,
> hopefully he can help.
> Andy
> On 23/09/15 15:01, Jesper Roy Christiansen wrote:
>> Hi Andy and Matthew
>> I have been trying to study W + Jets using the Rivet analysis
>> ATLAS_2014_I1319490.
>> But there is one figure that looks odd. If I compare the dphi(j_1,j_2)
>> the last bin drops for the MC simulations. (see attached figure, ignore
>> name of curves :)). This behaviour is not something I expected, and also
>> if I use an older Rivet analysis, ATLAS_2012_I1083318, this behaviour is
>> not there (see attached figure) for the same MC runs.
>> I tried to look at the two analysis, and the only difference I could
>> spot was the new analysis using the wFinder class, which the old one
>> does not.
>> However, if I look at the bin range for the last bin it goes from 3.0 -
>> 3.2. I think this is a mistake, it should probably be cut-off at PI. The
>> mistake is already there in the Durham hep database, so it should
>> probably also be updated there. Since I do not have acces to the
>> original analysis, I can not confirm what the true value should be and
>> that indeed whether this is a bug. Maybe you can direct this to the
>> correct people, such that it can be fixed.
>> Cheers,
>> Jesper
> --
> Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow
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