[Rivet] Error in LHCB_2013_I1218996

Alex Grecu Alex.Grecu at cern.ch
Wed Sep 9 17:53:26 BST 2015

Dear RIVET developers,

It was brought to the LHCb module (LHCB_2013_I1218996) author's 
attention that there is a small bug in the translation of the analysis 
module code from RIVET 1.x original code to the RIVET 2.x compatible 
code which is released in version 2.3.0 of the library.

Line 74 of the .cc file reads:

  const double y = p.absrap(); ///< Double analysis efficiency with a 
"two-sided LHCb"

while the original code was using rapidity() and a "single sided LHCb".
After a short chat with the module developer (in CC) we've agreed that 
this change is fine increasing the generator efficiency, but it must be 
taken into account in the normalization by introducing a 1/2 factor 
(i.e. divide the scale_factor by 2 in line 106).

Please, do apply this correction in a future release of the RIVET 
library. Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Alex Grecu

*LHCb* Experiment
/Horia Hulubei/ National R&D Institute for Physics and Nuclear 
Engineering (IFIN-HH)

Office: 11/1-014
Phone: +41 22 76 79058
Postbox: F26500

Bucharest-Magurele, 408 Atomistilor, DFT bld, office 220 (2nd floor),
Phone: +4(0) 21 404 62 48; ext. 3404

Skype name: /alex.t.grecu/
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