[Rivet] Work for Rivet 2.4.0 release: call for contributions!

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Sun Sep 27 22:09:44 BST 2015

Update/reminder of Rivet 2.4.0 analysis integration assignments:

Chris P

Andy B
   CMS_2014_I1305624.tgz      B0RKED
   CMS_2015_I1310737.new.tgz  DONE
   TOTEM_2014_I1328627        DONE
   CMS_2015_I1384119.tgz      DONE

David G

   CMS_2013_I1122847  (missing since 2.3.0 cf. Xavier's email)

I've taken the two new CMS ones. Let's get this done in the next couple 
of days so we can release this week.


On 23/09/15 15:03, Andy Buckley wrote:
> Hi all,
> An update on the Rivet 2.4.0 status. I've merged James Monk & Gavin
> Hesketh's patches, and done a few other tweaks such that the only thing
> remaining on the Trello board is "integrate new analyses". Good time for
> a new release.
> I've also "done" the two that were assigned to me, at least as far as
> was possible. Here's an updated assignment list, with one more for me,
> two for David G, and two "missing" ones tentatively assigned to Holger ;-)
> Getting these integrated by the end of the week would be ideal, so we
> can run the validation scripts over the weekend.
> Chris P
>    ATLAS_2014_I1326641.tar.gz
>    ATLAS_2014_I1327229.tar.gz
>    ATLAS_2015_I1387176.tar.gz
> Andy B
>    CMS_2014_I1305624.tgz      B0RKED
>    CMS_2015_I1310737.new.tgz  DONE
>    TOTEM_2014_I1328627
> David G
>    CMS_2015_I1327224.tgz
>    CMS_2015_I1346843.tgz
> Others... Holger?
>    CMS_2013_I1122847  (missing since 2.3.0 cf. Xavier's email)
>    D0_2000_I503361.tar.gz
> Cheers,
> Andy, de facto release coordinator :-P
> On 21/09/15 00:06, Andy Buckley wrote:
>> Hi Riveteers,
>> Another call for volunteers to do some analysis merging. Come on, we
>> decided during the June face-to-face meeting that this was how it was
>> going to work... step up!
>> To get the ball rolling, here's a couple of first allocations:
>> Chris P
>>   ATLAS_2014_I1326641.tar.gz
>>   ATLAS_2014_I1327229.tar.gz
>>   ATLAS_2015_I1387176.tar.gz
>> Andy B (lectures start next week otherwise I'd take more)
>>   CMS_2014_I1305624.tgz
>>   CMS_2015_I1310737.new.tgz / CMS_2015_I1310737.orig.tgz
>> Come join us! David, Holger, Frank, others... here's your updated
>> choice, don't make Chris & I do them all by ourselves:
>>   CMS_2015_I1327224.tgz
>>   CMS_2013_I1122847
>>   CMS_2015_I1346843.tgz
>>   D0_2000_I503361.tar.gz
>>   TOTEM_2014_I1328627
>> Replies and action pronto, please ;-)
>> As far as procedure goes, in case you were wondering, please add these
>> analyses into the release-2-3-x branch as if we didn't know that there
>> were big enough core changes to justify a minor (as opposed to
>> micro/patch) release. We'll merge that branch to default before
>> releasing 2.4.0.
>> Thanks,
>> Andy
>> On 10/09/15 17:19, Andy Buckley wrote:
>>> Hey everyone,
>>> A reminder that we agreed to increase the Rivet release frequency, and
>>> that the next analysis update release should happen before the end of
>>> this month.
>>> If we hadn't done any other development in the last couple of months,
>>> that release would be 2.3.1, but we have actually changed enough (in a
>>> stable and complete way) to justify version 2.4.0.
>>> Unless there are pressing bugfixes or developments that I'm not aware
>>> of, all that remains to be done before validation is to hook up the 8
>>> new analysis codes in the contrib directory:
>>> ATLAS_2014_I1326641.tar.gz
>>> ATLAS_2014_I1327229.tar.gz
>>> ATLAS_2015_I1387176.tar.gz
>>> CMS_2014_I1305624.tgz
>>> CMS_2015_I1310737.new.tgz
>>> CMS_2015_I1310737.orig.tgz
>>> CMS_2015_I1327224.tgz
>>> CMS_2015_I1346843.tgz
>>> D0_2000_I503361.tar.gz
>>> (note that two of these are "new" and "orig" versions of the same
>>> analysis)
>>> We also said that we would distribute the work, to make new analysis
>>> releases unintimidating for developers... so, who wants to integrate
>>> which analysis codes? ;-) Add the new analyses on the release-2-3-x
>>> branch, and I will sync them into default before we make the release
>>> (cf. earlier discussions about what sorts of changes go on which
>>> branches.)
>>> Volunteers please... thanks in advance.
>>> Andy
>>> PS. Holger/David, the contrib dir needs some umask or similar
>>> permissions set so that the tarballs are group-writeable. Several of
>>> these new ones aren't, so intervention from root will needed to move
>>> them to the pre2.4.0 dir when we make it. Also, the email notifications
>>> about new tarballs seem to be broken (right?)

Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

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